[LTER-students] Calling for nominations for the next LTER network graduate student co-chair

Ross Boucek rbouc003 at fiu.edu
Thu Jul 23 09:48:29 MDT 2015

Dear LTER students,

I hope this email finds you well. Kate Glanville is stepping down from her
office as LTER network graduate student co-chair.  Over the last 2 years, Kate
has done a great job managing LTER graduate student business and now we are
looking for someone new to take her place.

We are asking for nominations for the next graduate student co-chair
position.  Please send your nomination by next Friday, July 31st.  We, as a
graduate student network, will vote on the nominees the following week.
And, we will announce the new graduate student co-chair at the LTER ASM
meeting during graduate student day in Colorado on August 29th.

  If you are interested in serving as graduate student co-chair, please
send me a less than a page write up that includes:

1) description of yourself (your university, LTER site, research interests,
2) why you are interested in being co-chair,
3) previous experiences as a student leader

If you are nominating someone else, please include their contact
information so we can get in touch with them regarding the position.

Serving as graduate student co-chair of the LTER network not only looks
great on your C.V., but also is an excellent opportunity to meeting other
students across the network, and build professional relationships with them
that will last through your career.

Below is a very brief description of grad student co-chair
responsibilities. I look forward to hearing back from many of you!

The graduate student co-chairs' main duties are to disseminate information
to the graduate students in the network, organize graduate student events
(such as an organized oral session at ESA each year and the graduate
student symposium at ASM every three years), and to attend the Science
Council meeting each year. The Science Council meeting is where the lead
PIs and one additional representative  from each LTER site get together at
an LTER site for a few days in the spring to discuss LTER business,
brainstorm collaborations, and enjoy each other's company.  It is a
great opportunity for any graduate student who wants to visit other LTER
sites and meet some amazing scientists! If you have any other questions
about graduate student co-chair responsibilities, time commitments etc.
please email me.

Ross Boucek M.S.
SAFER http://safer-iai.org/team/students/
PhD candidate Department of Biology
Florida International University *Miami's Public Research University*
Long Term Ecological Research Network graduate student co-chair
American Fisheries Society Network student sub-unit president elect
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