[LTER-sbc_help] Data Access Inquiry for Graduate Course

Randi Barton rbarton at mlml.calstate.edu
Sat Apr 24 17:03:54 PDT 2021

Good afternoon,

I am a graduate student at Moss Landing Marine Laboratories in California.
I am looking for an open access dataset to use for a project in my data
analysis course.

I came across your dataset titled "SBCLTER: Reef: Long Term Kelp Removal:
Cover of sessile organisms, Uniform Point Contact" on the California
Natural Resources Agency website and think it would be an interesting
dataset to use in my final project. There is a download button on the
website for the csv file titled "cover_all_years.csv", but for some reason
it won't allow me to download it directly from the website. Would you be
able to help me troubleshoot this?

Randi Barton

Randi Barton
Graduate Student | Haupt Lab | Conservation Ecology
Moss Landing Marine Laboratories
*B.S. in Biology at CSUMB *
Email: rbarton at mlml.calstate.edu | rabarton at csumb.edu
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