[LTER-sbc_grad] SBC LTER mid term review -PLEASE READ

Dan Reed dan.reed at lifesci.ucsb.edu
Tue Aug 25 17:48:07 MDT 2015

Dear SBC LTER graduate students,

You should have received a email awhile back notifying you of the dates 
of SBC LTER's mid term review which will be Oct 20-22.  Below is a long 
overdue update with apologies.

We finally have a draft agenda for the review  (attached) and there are 
two items on the agenda that require your involvement.

1)  A poster session scheduled for 4:30-6:30 pm on Tuesday Oct 20 in the 
MSRB courtyard.  We would like all of you to attend and present a poster 
on your research.  A poster from a recent meeting (< 1 year) meeting or 
workshop is fine, but it should have a reference to SBC LTER. Margaret 
O'Brien (margaret.obrien at ucsb.edu) has a template for you to use if you 
will be preparing a new poster or modifying an existing one.  Jenny 
Dugan ( jenny.dugan at lifesci.ucsb.edu) can provide you information on 
options for printing. Please discuss your poster with your adviser and 
feel free to contact me or Jenny with any questions that arise.

2) A one hour meeting is scheduled for 2-3 pm Wednesday Oct 21 in MSRB 
(room TBD) for the review team to meet with all of you.  It is really 
important that you attend this meeting. Jenny and I will organize a 
briefing meeting with you in early October to go over the expectations 
and questions that the review team is likely to have. More on that will 
come in a future email.

There are several field trips planned for the review. Some of you will 
be giving brief presentations on the field trips and others will have 
their work integrated into presentations on a broader theme. For 
logistical reasons there is a limit to the number of people that can 
attend the beach and watershed field trips on Tuesday Oct 20.   If your 
research pertains to the presentations scheduled for these field trips, 
then you will likely be asked to attend.   The field trip scheduled for 
Wed (Oct 21) morning is on board the Condor Express.  Space is not a 
concern for this trip and all of you are invited to participate.

Please stay tuned for more information on the review as the dates draw 
near and do not hesitate to contact Jenny or me with any questions or 
concerns that you may have.

Mid term reviews are an important tool for evaluating LTER sites and NSF 
spends considerable time and effort to organize them Thanks in advance 
for all your help in making SBC LTER's midterm review a successful one.


Dan Reed
Marine Science Institute
University of California
Santa Barbara, CA 93106-6150
(805) 893-8363 office phone
(805) 893-8062 FAX
Email: dan.reed at lifesci.ucsb.edu

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