[LTER-mcm-pi] Fwd: Polar Geospatial Center 2015-2016 Antarctic Tasking Solicitation & Submission
Michael Gooseff
mgooseff at rams.colostate.edu
Wed Jun 24 10:51:16 MDT 2015
Hi all,
When Paul Morin was here last month he mentioned that he was a little tired of collecting MDV imagery if no one was going to use it. So, I think that that tasking either went away or got changed. I don’t recall getting my weekly update from the MDV region from digital globe this past year (as I had in previous years). I’m tempted to ask for a rectangular area that goes as far north as Barwick Valley and as far south as Miers, as far west as Pearse (or Labyrinth or Barwick, as necessary to capture ice-free terrain), and as far east as the eastern most part of the coast in this N-S line. Requested frequency would be weekly.
Does anyone have any specific requests beyond ‘capturing the valleys’ overall, on at most a weekly basis?
Please let me know by next week, if so.
> Begin forwarded message:
> From: George Roth <geroth at umn.edu>
> Subject: Polar Geospatial Center 2015-2016 Antarctic Tasking Solicitation & Submission
> Date: June 24, 2015 at 10:42:22 AM MDT
> To: mgooseff at rams.colostate.edu
> Hello Mike,
> We are in the process of compiling our satellite image tasking requirements for the 2015-2016 Antarctic Field Season. If you would like to have high-resolution satellite imagery collected over specific locations this coming season, please fill out the attached PGC Tasking Request Table and send it back to me for review. Also attached is a text file describing the requirements and parameters that need to be entered in each field of the table.
> Please note that imagery collected this season will not be immediately available for use.
> Tasking requirements and submissions from previous Antarctic field seasons will carry over into this season unless otherwise specified.
> Please do not hesitate if you'd like to chat about your project's requirements, especially if you're not quite sure how to accurately enter in your locations in the attached tasking request table.
> If you have any new submissions or changes to previous submissions, please send them to me by Friday, July 17, 2015.
> Thanks,
> -George Roth
> --
> George Roth
> Geospatial Support Specialist
> Polar Geospatial Center <http://pgc.umn.edu/>
> University of Minnesota <http://www1.umn.edu/twincities/index.html>
> R280 Learning and Environmental Sciences
> 1954 Buford Ave.
> St. Paul, MN 55108
> Direct: 612-625-6609
> PGC: 612-626-0505
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