[LTER-mcm-pi] Fwd: [LTER-site-exec] LTER Data Center update
Michael Gooseff
michael.gooseff at colorado.edu
Sun Jul 26 22:10:04 MDT 2015
Hi all,
Please see the info below (and attached) in regards to a new approach to a Network Data Center approach that is coming from the Network IM community. Everyone is seeking a state of Kumbaya, but no one is quite sure the attached plans will achieve it.
(My email address replaced Diane’s on several network lists, but not this one. My apologies for the late delivery of info.)
Please let me know what you think about this plan. Peter is largely asking for the lead PIs to convey the thoughts and reactions from their sites and I have a teleconf set up with him for Thursday of this coming week to discuss. If you could get me any thoughts before Thursday, I would appreciate it.
Inigo - this includes you, of course!
P.S. - Bonus points to the first person who understands the reference to Kumbaya in the message above!
Michael Gooseff, Associate Professor
Institute of Arctic and Alpine Research
Civil, Architectural, and Environmental Engineering
University of Colorado
Boulder, CO 80309-0450
email: michael.gooseff at colorado.edu<mailto:michael.gooseff at colorado.edu>
web: http://goosefflab.weebly.com<http://goosefflab.weebly.com/>
phone: 303.735.5333
Begin forwarded message:
From: Diane McKnight <Diane.Mcknight at colorado.edu<mailto:Diane.Mcknight at colorado.edu>>
Subject: Fwd: [LTER-site-exec] FW: LTER Data Center update
Date: July 25, 2015 at 12:38:41 PM MDT
To: "mgooseff at engr.colostate.edu<mailto:mgooseff at engr.colostate.edu>" <mgooseff at engr.colostate.edu<mailto:mgooseff at engr.colostate.edu>>
Mike, FYI. I don't know if you're on the exec list yet or not. Cheers Diane
-------- Forwarded Message --------
Subject: [LTER-site-exec] FW: LTER Data Center update
Date: Sat, 25 Jul 2015 03:04:35 -0400
From: Peter Groffman <groffmanp at caryinstitute.org><mailto:groffmanp at caryinstitute.org>
To: site-exec <site-exec at lternet.edu><mailto:site-exec at lternet.edu>
Dear LTER Site PI’s,
I have not heard from too many of you about activities for planning a new Data Center run by the LTER IM community.
So I am writing to nudge you to take a look at the note below and the attached documents and let me know if you have any thoughts, concerns, etc.
Peter M. Groffman
Cary Institute of Ecosystem Studies
2801 Sharon Turnpike
Millbrook, NY 12545 USA
Phone: (845) 677-7600, ext. 128
FAX: (845) 677-5976
E-mail: groffmanp at caryinstitute.org<mailto:groffmanp at caryinstitute.org>
From: Peter Groffman [mailto:groffmanp at caryinstitute.org<mailto:groffmanp at caryinstitute.org>]
Sent: Sunday, June 28, 2015 1:56 PM
To: 'site-exec at lternet.edu<mailto:site-exec at lternet.edu>'
Subject: LTER Data Center update
Dear LTER Site PI’s,
As you know, a group of LTER Information Managers (IM) has been having discussions with Saran Twombly at NSF to determine if the new Data Center could be run by the LTER IM community. As discussed at the Science Council meeting this is a very exciting development, but one that requires lots of discussion and support from the sites. Margaret O’Brien has been doing an excellent job of keeping the Executive Board (EB) up to date and I have attached a couple of draft documents that she produced describing the current (and evolving) thinking about the structure and function of the center.
Key current issues under discussion include:
• Will a split between fiscal and intellectual entities introduce complications and/or double-overhead costs?
• The composition of the governance committee, e.g., should this be voluntary/elected like the current IM Committee, or should there be a regular rotation like the EB?
• What structure might help even out the sites' engagement and technical expertise in Information Management?
• Should the EB have a voting member on the governance committee for more direct involvement than the advising depicted in the draft diagram?
A more general question is if the EB, as LTER leadership, should have 'a say' in the yes/no decision (of whether we should go forward with a proposal). In discussions at the EB meeting last week, the answer was generally 'no'. But I said I would reach out to the site PI's and urge you to think about what is going on and to let me know what you think positive or negative.
So, please take a look at the attached documents, talk with your IM, and let me know what you think about what is going on. NSF is keen to have network buy-in for this effort; we can't move ahead without broad (or maybe even full) support.
Peter M. Groffman
Cary Institute of Ecosystem Studies
2801 Sharon Turnpike
Millbrook, NY 12545 USA
Phone: (845) 677-7600, ext. 128
FAX: (845) 677-5976
E-mail: groffmanp at caryinstitute.org<mailto:groffmanp at caryinstitute.org>
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