[LTER-luq] "Final" logo design vote

Sarah Stankavich sarahstankavich at gmail.com
Tue May 31 05:36:47 MDT 2016

Hi everyone -

We have 4 days left to pick a "winner" for the LogoArena contest. A few
more designs have shown up, and you can see them and vote by following this
link: http://www.logoarena.com/vote/luquillo-lter-n7065-lc7qkvn36p5hgy

Jess and I agree that none of the logos quite hit the nail on the head, but
there are some good ideas from each that we could possibly pull out and
use. Feel free to send me any comments about what you like or don't like
about the various logos. I will save the feedback for when we are working
on the final design.

The entries from LUQ members will be displayed at the annual meeting along
with the top 3 logos from this contest.


Sarah Stankavich
LUQ-LTER Coordinator
El Verde Field Station
787-764-0000 ext. 83466 (office)
787-222-7756 (cell)
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