[LTER-luq] FW: Sustentabilidad de la investigación en UPR- Cayey y el Journal of Research Administration (2015)

Maria Uriarte mu2126 at columbia.edu
Tue Feb 23 10:59:35 MST 2016



From: Instituto de Investigaciones Interdisciplinarias [mailto:instituto.investigacion at upr.edu] 
Sent: Tuesday, February 23, 2016 12:49 PM
To: undisclosed-recipients:
Subject: Sustentabilidad de la investigación en UPR- Cayey y el Journal of Research Administration (2015)


Estimados afiliados, colaboradores e investigadores 

Compartimos este artículo que fue publicado recientemente por el Journal of Research Administration el cual detalla las estrategias exitosas que hemos implantado en la UPR-Cayey para fortalecer la investigación subgraduada y de la facultad a través del Instituto de Investigaciones Interdisciplinarias (III).

Los frutos de esta gestión durante el período de 2003-2013 han redundado en un mayor desarrollo de la investigación de la facultad  y en un aumento de oportunidades de mentoría en investigación para nuestros estudiantes.  

Agradecemos el apoyo de todos ustedes a través de estos años y confirmamos nuestro compromiso con hacer lo posible por continuar impulsando una cultura de investigación ante los retos económicos que confronta el País.


Growing Faculty Research for Students’ Success:  Best practices of a research institute at a minority-serving undergraduate institution

Broader diversity in the research workforce affords the inclusion of research agendas, methods, and perspectives that might otherwise be overlooked to address key social and scientific problems. However, promoting diversity in science is not a trivial matter. It entails mitigating some of the long-term social and institutional inequalities that have prevented the participation of underrepresented groups, such as Latinos, in scientific research. For instance, the Hispanic Association of Colleges and Universities (HACU) reports that Hispanic serving institutions receive (on average) only 69 cents for every federal dollar of funding that all other higher education institutions receive. This article describes how an interdisciplinary research institute at an under-resourced Hispanic serving institution managed to build a culture of undergraduate research by promoting the research of local faculty and supporting their mentoring role in the face of economic and administrative challenges. In spite of dramatic budget cuts that fluctuated between 1.4% and 13.3% (2005-2013) and loss of 23% of its senior faculty due to retirement (2006-2014), during a 10-year period, the Institute of Interdisciplinary Research (IIR) at the University of Puerto Rico at Cayey was able to increase the number of faculty conducting research from 7 to 54 and the number of students engaged in research from 8 to 481. During the period, UPR-C faculty from the Sciences, Arts, and Business Administration engaged in the applied, regional and interdisciplinary research mission of the IIR, published 81 peer-reviewed articles, offered 238 research presentations, and submitted 81 grants (57 to external funding agencies and 24 to UPR-C divisions). Grant approval for external funding was 45.6%.  Students’ most important research products included oral and written presentations in epidemiology, psychology, anthropology, ecology, chemistry, microbiology, pedagogy, business administration, and humanities. Overall, during the period, 84% of students who applied to graduate programs reported that they were admitted.  This article identifies the key approaches and outcomes of a strategic planning process that allowed the IIR to become a successful campus-wide research resource for interdisciplinary research at an undergraduate, Hispanic serving institution facing fiscal and administrative challenges.


Instituto de Investigaciones Interdisciplinarias
Universidad de Puerto Rico en Cayey
instituto.investigacion at upr.edu <mailto:instituto.investigacion at upr.edu>  
787.738.2161 / Ext. 2615

 <http://portalwww.cayey.upr.edu/iii> portalwww.cayey.upr.edu/iii

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