[LTER-lno] Fwd: condolences and thanks

Robert Waide rwaide at lternet.edu
Tue Aug 11 07:55:59 MDT 2015

-------- Forwarded Message --------
Subject: 	condolences and thanks
Date: 	Mon, 10 Aug 2015 10:21:55 -0400
From: 	Hugh Ducklow <hducklow at ldeo.columbia.edu>
To: 	Bob Waide <rwaide at lternet.edu>, John Vande Castle 
<jvc at lternet.edu>, George Garcia <ggarcia7 at unm.edu>, mcOwiti Thomas 
<tmcowiti at lternet.edu>

Dear Bob and all,

When you emailed me last week about the schedule change to accommodate 
the Santa Barbara request, I hadn’t yet heard the news, and didn’t 
connect the dots, that a new venue had been selected for the network 
office. I’m so sorry. You all have been the glue and spirit, and the 
important nuts and bolts that have held LTER together ever since I 
joined. It is a nearly thankless job, and I hope you can look past the 
current disappointment at all the things you (and all of us) have 
achieved. In my experience with these things, you set the gold standard. 
My thanks - looking forward to seeing at the ASM. I hope you can 
approach it with a sense of pride and achievement and not just 
bittersweet feelings.

Please pass my thoughts on to the other Net Office staff

Warm regards - duck

Hugh Ducklow
Lamont-Doherty Earth Observatory
Columbia University
61 Route 9W PO Box 1000
Palisades, NY 10964

office phone 845-365-8167
lab phone 845-365-8139
mobile 757-876-2590
hducklow at ldeo.columbia.edu <mailto:hducklow at ldeo.columbia.edu>

Office: Geosciences 208
Lab: Core Lab 206

“All these mistakes..we must surely be learning” - George Harrison

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