[LTER-im] URGENT: Summer Meeting Registrations
Marty Downs
downs at nceas.ucsb.edu
Mon Jun 29 09:48:08 PDT 2020
Dear LTER Information Managers,
Both ESIP and ESA have gone virtual this summer -- which is reducing
registration costs and allowing the IM committee to support attendance at
BOTH meetings. We have also made arrangements so that the LTER Network
Office can pay for your registration directly -- requiring no out-of-pocket
expense. But you have to *register by Wednesday July 1! *
*Earth Science Information Partners (ESIP) *
July 14-24 (sessions are spread out)
Agenda is here: https://2020esipsummermeeting.sched.com/.
If you are unable to attend, you may designate an IM colleague, graduate
student or early career researcher with an interest in data science and
analysis to attend in your place. ESIP is thrilled to hear we will be able
to participate and encourages submissions to the virtual poster/demo
Register at *http://www.cvent.com/d/2nqw4m/4W*
<http://www.cvent.com/d/2nqw4m/4W> by 7/1.
Choose "Partner Rate" under registration type and enter the discount code
LTER (all caps) at the final payment step. You will not be charged. Your
registration will be added to an invoice for the LNO.
Please let us know which one person will be attending on behalf of the
site on this spreadsheet: Meeting Registration Spreadsheet Link
*under the ESIP tab.*
*Ecological Society of America (ESA)*
August 3-6, program still under development
The theme of this year's ESA Meeting <https://www.esa.org/saltlake/#> is
"Harnessing the ecological data revolution" (particularly IM-appropriate)
and there will also be lots of LTER 40th anniversary activity. To register,
please add your name, contact info, and ESA membership status on this
spreadsheet: *Meeting Registration Spreadsheet
under the ESA tab.*
The LNO will pass it along to ESA and you'll be registered directly.
This only takes a minute. *Cutoff for both is JULY 1.*
Marty Downs (she/her/hers)
Director, LTER Network Office
National Center for Ecological Analysis and Synthesis (NCEAS)
University of California, Santa Barbara
Office: 805-893-7549
Cell: 617-833-7930
downs at nceas.ucsb.edu
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