[LTER-im] Eda and LUQ are fine, as of Friday

Gastil Gastil-Buhl gastil.gastil-buhl at ucsb.edu
Mon Sep 18 10:01:49 PDT 2017

Hi LTER site IMs,

You will be relieved to know Eda and the LUQ site in Puerto Rico fared well
thru the hurricanes so far. In her words,

"PR was lucky and although WITH WINDS of category 5 hurricane, the center
of Irma did not pass over us which means that we did not get the worst of
it... besides, our houses are mostly hurricane-ready (that means built with
cement) and the biggest problem we have is reinstalling electricity due to
fallen trees that damage lines and also flood... but never like it happened
in Texas. I already have electricity in my house.
Also, PR is assisting our neighbor islands, like San Thomas which were
really devastated by Irma."

The next hurricane, Maria, is on its way. But it sounds like the people of
PR are well prepared for this sort of ecological "disturbance".

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