[LTER-commcom] Tomorrow's meeting
Hart, Clarisse
hart3 at fas.harvard.edu
Thu Sep 10 11:37:36 PDT 2020
Hi Peter!
Thank you for the update, and for all your effort (and Julie’s, too!) in making this special issue idea a reality.
On our call today, we discussed the following, which includes some questions for you highlighted in bold:
* ESA will be releasing the official press release (draft attached) when the special issue is published, which we assume may be in the next few weeks? Please keep us posted when the proofs go in!
* Like the press release, we assume The Conversation piece (it’s fantastic that you’re doing this!) will speak to the entire special issue from an LTER-wide perspective, but if there will be a particular focus on specific stories or sites, could you let us know? This will help our committee better support story-pitching at the site level, and will also help us better amplify the Conversation piece when it comes out!
* We suspect that the stories that will get the most traction in the news media are those that link to timely current events in Sept/Oct – like wildfire, possibly hurricanes if the season heats up, and seasonal (especially unseasaonable) change. If possible, we’d like to organize one or two site/story-specific pitches that connect to the manuscripts, focusing on Science Friday and a few other high-impact outlets (especially radio). This would require our getting some buy-in from the PI(s) whose research is represented. Are there particular stories from the special issue that stick out to you and/or Julie as potential candidates for a current-events focus?
Thank you!
Clarisse & the committee
Clarisse Hart, Director of Outreach & Education
Harvard Forest
Harvard University
324 North Main Street
Petersham, MA 01366
(978) 756-6157 phone
Pronouns: she/her/hers
Harvard Forest on the web:
http://www.twitter.com/harvardforest and http://www.twitter.com/awitnesstree
I recognize the land Harvard Forest occupies as the unceded home territory of the Nipmuc Nation, a living people whose history and knowledge I honor with gratitude and respect as I endeavor to become a better steward of the land we all inhabit.
From: commcom <commcom-bounces at lists.lternet.edu> On Behalf Of Peter Groffman
Sent: Thursday, September 10, 2020 8:50 AM
To: Marty Downs <downs at nceas.ucsb.edu>
Cc: commcom at lternet.edu
Subject: Re: [LTER-commcom] Tomorrow's meeting
Unfortunately, I will not be able to make the meeting today. Here are a couple of updates:
1. All of the Ecosphere papers are accepted and I will be uploading the final figures for the final paper tomorrow. We will then be waiting for proofs. The journal is going to publish all the papers at once; and I think that Marty has made a great start on a press release.
2. I am going to work with Michael Nelson on a piece for "The Conversation." I've got some ideas for what I would like to say and I think this will be fun.
Sorry to miss the meeting!
Peter M. Groffman
Senior Research Fellow
Cary Institute of Ecosystem Studies
2801 Sharon Turnpike
Millbrook, NY 12545
Email: groffmanp at caryinstitute.org<mailto:groffmanp at caryinstitute.org>
Phone (office): 845-677-7600. ext. 128
Phone (cell): 845-797-4832
On Wed, Sep 9, 2020 at 7:32 PM Marty Downs <downs at nceas.ucsb.edu<mailto:downs at nceas.ucsb.edu>> wrote:
Hello Communications Committee--
In preparation for our discussion tomorrow, Kristen has worked up a few stats and ideas for newsletter and social media planning. If you get a chance to look it over before tomorrow, it will be a better meeting.
Meeting is September 10 at 11 am PT, 2 pm ET
Zoom link: Zoom Meeting: https://ucsb.zoom.us/j/647206479<https://urldefense.proofpoint.com/v2/url?u=https-3A__www.google.com_url-3Fq-3Dhttps-3A__urldefense.proofpoint.com_v2_url-3Fu-253Dhttps-2D3A-5F-5Fucsb.zoom.us-5Fj-5F647206479-2526d-253DDwMFaQ-2526c-253DWO-2DRGvefibhHBZq3fL85hQ-2526r-253DJIxZ-2DAFpuKPv2mz1PYfwckARh16Laz2TrneksBiVXcE-2526m-253DezKDjA2KR-5FnjCSCWBHnsGTm4fCpG75PBZo-2DOvAUKio0-2526s-253DI-5FuR-5FOVmmShWCUNv5Js4FbUw4mi6qGXjb3cDamd9iww-2526e-253D-26sa-3DD-26source-3Dcalendar-26ust-3D1600010036003000-26usg-3DAOvVaw3jfh-2DS2Mw3Xc02hbEhBXIh&d=DwMFaQ&c=WO-RGvefibhHBZq3fL85hQ&r=JIxZ-AFpuKPv2mz1PYfwckARh16Laz2TrneksBiVXcE&m=Gl65XCHKJyZu7oPhgDgSmKo0-AC-Wej-cdCTFoWUjUs&s=ML0lwc0jo-bKiZz8Pno5apsXchp358byTZOQq91mI-0&e=>
Look forward to seeing you all safe and sound.
Marty Downs (she/her/hers) ORCID<https://urldefense.proofpoint.com/v2/url?u=https-3A__orcid.org_0000-2D0003-2D2833-2D956X&d=DwMFaQ&c=WO-RGvefibhHBZq3fL85hQ&r=JIxZ-AFpuKPv2mz1PYfwckARh16Laz2TrneksBiVXcE&m=Gl65XCHKJyZu7oPhgDgSmKo0-AC-Wej-cdCTFoWUjUs&s=v4yfEsqIhkBrCBgcQgoINa4r5sarFKXWjvpPnURdjIY&e=>
Director, LTER Network Office
National Center for Ecological Analysis and Synthesis (NCEAS)
University of California, Santa Barbara
Office: 805-893-7549
Cell: 617-833-7930
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~ It is sometimes convenient for me to send email on evenings and weekends.
Please do not feel obligated to respond outside of your normal working hours ~
Long Term Ecological Research Network
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commcom at lternet.edu<mailto:commcom at lternet.edu>
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