[LTER-commcom] NCO web site and update

Marty Downs downs at nceas.ucsb.edu
Tue Jul 12 13:52:53 MDT 2016

LTER sites supply the data for the bibliography. What I don't know is
whether individual web sites then access the LTER bibliography database
dynamically to display their site bibliographies on their own web sites.
It's possible -- and has advantages. I just don't know how many sites are
doing it.

Jonathan -- I'm curious if you have any data on what percentage of your
site visitors are coming from edu domains v other domains?

On Tue, Jul 12, 2016 at 1:42 PM, Jonathan Walsh <
walshjcaryinstitute at gmail.com> wrote:

> With regard to the bibliography database, doesn't that database draw from
> the sites?  It used to be that we would populate the LTER bibliography
> database by sending a delimited file of our publications list.  This is
> fine with us because we have our own publication tracking here and we just
> export the delimited file.
> It sounds like the goal is for very consistent website look and feel
> across all the LTER sites.  Like you say, this could probably be
> accomplished while still allowing some individuality.  In the case of BES
> --- an urban study --- the non-scientific public is a significant
> percentage of the viewers.  And like you say, it would be helpful to sites
> with little www resources (and little need for public outreach) so a
> multi-site Drupal or Wordpress might be very helpful.
> On Tue, Jul 12, 2016 at 12:39 PM, Marty Downs <downs at nceas.ucsb.edu>
> wrote:
>> Dear Commcom--
>> I started the e-mail below in response to Nick's inquiry, but by the time
>> I finished, thought it would be useful to share with the whole committee.
>> As always, thoughts and feedback welcome.
>> Marty
>> Hi Nick,
>> Good catch, thanks!
>> Regarding a consistent web page design....A shared design (at least an
>> optional one) is definitely under consideration as we grapple with the
>> lternet redesign. I
>> I think there are a couple of considerations in trying to design (and
>> sell) such a system:
>> 1) Many sites are embedded in institutions that have their own design and
>> branding considerations. Is our goal to accommodate those or to give sites
>> ammunition to push back? It probably depends on how valuable that branding
>> is to the site and vice versa.
>> 2) Some sites have abundant resources (both skills and funds) to put into
>> a web site. Others struggle to maintain a basic web site. We need a system
>> that smooths the road for the latter, without tying the hands of the former.
>> 3) I am unsure about how (and how much) much individual sites use the
>> database connections. Are they drawing on the biblio database to maintain
>> their publication lists? Is that something they value? What about
>> personnelDB for staff lists? A common design would make database
>> connections easier, but might give sites less control over how they display
>> or how they include additional people on their personnel lists.
>> Here's what I'm thinking at the moment -- and I welcome your input on
>> this. If you've been pushing on this for a while, then I'm sure you've
>> bumped up against other counter arguments and I'd love to hear those so we
>> can shape a program that works as well as possible for as many as possible.
>> It's possible to do a multi-site installation of either Drupal or
>> Wordpress so that sites could start with the same basic template and modify
>> it from there. That would offer a significant "nudge" toward consistency
>> (and a significant head start for new and resource-poor sites) without
>> tying the hands of resource-rich sites.
>> If we phased it in gradually, as sites are doing their own redesigns
>> anyway, it could be managed without too much negative impact on the web
>> administrators. (I don't think I can force a web-redesign, which is a major
>> investment of site effort on my timetable.) If it were accompanied by a
>> modest set of graphic and style standards, we could get a decent level of
>> consistency without completely stifling creativity.
>> Just how I'm thinking about it at the moment. We have yet to get our web
>> developer on board, but I'm starting on an RFP for the lternet redesign
>> anyway. We'll need that whether we end up going with an in-house developer
>> or an outside firm for the redesign.
>> Thanks,
>> Marty
>> On Tue, Jul 12, 2016 at 7:59 AM, Nicholas Oehm Jr <oehmn at fiu.edu> wrote:
>>> Hi Marty.
>>> Looks good!  Only thing missing is one digit in the phone number at the
>>> top of the page.
>>> Any chance we will come up with a consistent webpage design for all
>>> sites to use?  I have been advocating for many years to have consistent
>>> branding across sites.
>>> Best,
>>> Nick
>>> FCE
>>> On Jul 8, 2016, at 8:07 PM, Marty Downs <downs at nceas.ucsb.edu> wrote:
>>> Dear LTER Comm Com--
>>> We are soft-launching the NCO web site at https://nco.lternet.edu/
>>> <https://urldefense.proofpoint.com/v2/url?u=https-3A__nco.lternet.edu_&d=AwMFaQ&c=1QsCMERiq7JOmEnKpsSyjg&r=-bfRrG46KwZqNcV_4ELblg&m=dBWC-X0KeldJ8_Y93r4hFo_p72X7I0O_Sz7oQumFWQA&s=DaKwuKKRbNgUx3wjjt0jkMsDDNEgM7nZUGpzI_4jeDM&e=>
>>> It is not currently linked from the lternet site, but it is public. I'd
>>> appreciate your thoughts -- bearing in mind that my main purpose for this
>>> site is simply to inform the LTER community about the NCO's goals and
>>> objectives, how we intend to operate, who we are, and how to reach us.
>>> This is a baby step -- with no web developer on board at this time, it
>>> does not reflect our intentions with respect to the main web site. It's the
>>> just-the-facts-ma'am, no-frills face of the NCO -- NOT of the Network. That
>>> remains at www.lternet.edu
>>> <https://urldefense.proofpoint.com/v2/url?u=http-3A__www.lternet.edu&d=AwMFaQ&c=1QsCMERiq7JOmEnKpsSyjg&r=-bfRrG46KwZqNcV_4ELblg&m=dBWC-X0KeldJ8_Y93r4hFo_p72X7I0O_Sz7oQumFWQA&s=G5SD5cR3Gbye4pBSbvQXyCx97RlNC0Rgn1RXNXpAYQA&e=>
>>> -- and that's the next job.
>>> When Lternet.edu and Intranet2.lternet.edu
>>> <https://urldefense.proofpoint.com/v2/url?u=http-3A__Intranet2.lternet.edu&d=AwMFaQ&c=1QsCMERiq7JOmEnKpsSyjg&r=-bfRrG46KwZqNcV_4ELblg&m=dBWC-X0KeldJ8_Y93r4hFo_p72X7I0O_Sz7oQumFWQA&s=7q6BY4O04yGprVkbQHU6zEhGS3FyLBjCGV5D1ImM2F8&e=>
>>> are more functional, I hope that the need for this site will gradually
>>> disappear, but for now, it seemed important to share our basic operating
>>> principles.
>>> There is a great deal more we could do to liven the site up and I'll
>>> take that on over time. For now, I would very much appreciate your thoughts
>>> on content -- are there mis-steps in tone or content? Blind spots? What am
>>> I missing that is important to include?
>>> Also -- I had hoped to organize a video abstracts training before ESA,
>>> but given summer schedules and the variety other activities under way, that
>>> won't be possible. I do still hope to get resources out on the topic before
>>> ESA, but not in time to organize the training I had envisioned.,
>>> Hope you're all having a great summer.
>>> Marty
>>> --
>>> Marty Downs
>>> Communications Officer
>>> LTER Network Communications Office (LTER NCO)
>>> t: @USLTER
>>> f: USLTER
>>> National Center for Ecological Analysis and Synthesis (NCEAS)
>>> University of California, Santa Barbara
>>> Office: 805-893-7549
>>> Cell: 617-833-7930
>>> downs at nceas.ucsb.edu
>>> _______________________________________________
>>> Long Term Ecological Research Network
>>> commcom mailing list
>>> commcom at lternet.edu
>> --
>> Marty Downs
>> Communications Officer
>> LTER Network Communications Office (LTER NCO)
>> t: @USLTER
>> f: USLTER
>> National Center for Ecological Analysis and Synthesis (NCEAS)
>> University of California, Santa Barbara
>> Office: 805-893-7549
>> Cell: 617-833-7930
>> downs at nceas.ucsb.edu
>> _______________________________________________
>> Long Term Ecological Research Network
>> commcom mailing list
>> commcom at lternet.edu
> --
> Jonathan Walsh
> Information Manager, Baltimore Ecosystem Study
> Cary Institute of Ecosystem Studies
> Box AB; Route 44A
> Millbrook, NY 12545-0129
> P: 845/677/7600 Extension 103
> F: 845/677/5976
> E: WalshJ at caryinstitute.org

Marty Downs
Communications Officer
LTER Network Communications Office (LTER NCO)

National Center for Ecological Analysis and Synthesis (NCEAS)
University of California, Santa Barbara
Office: 805-893-7549
Cell: 617-833-7930
downs at nceas.ucsb.edu
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