[LTER-commcom] LTER ASM communication meeting: docs for review
Hart, Clarisse
hart3 at fas.harvard.edu
Thu Sep 10 14:43:06 MDT 2015
LTER Communication team,
For those who could make it, thank you for a productive lunch meeting during the ASM! For those who couldn't, we missed you. Notes are attached. Please let me know of any edits.
Since the meeting, I've been told that our committee doesn't have by-laws. Someone please circulate them if they exist! In the event we don't have any, I've taken a few minutes to create some (also attached), using the education committee bylaws as a template. It's a lean document but includes some mechanisms for fairness and accountability. Please weigh in (including whether you think we should even have by-laws) by Sept. 18th if you are able, and at that point we'll move on to official nominations for co-chair.
We'll reconvene for a teleconference later this fall; Doodle poll coming soon.
Clarisse Hart | Outreach & Development Manager for Education & Research Programs
Harvard Forest | Harvard University | 324 North Main Street, Petersham MA 01366
hart3 at fas.harvard.edu | Main: 978-724-3302 | Direct: 978-756-6157
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