[LTER-mcm-pi] Grantee travel pause from 17 Dec-04 Jan

Priscu, John jpriscu at montana.edu
Wed Jun 3 13:33:23 MDT 2015


I talked to Scott Borg last season about using C17’s for science during winter. He said that this will not happen for at least a year. These flights are being flow to move contractors to/fr McMurdo and as a proof of concept. It seems ridiculous that scientists working in McMurdo cannot get a seat.

The mid-summer C17 gap has been an issue for a number of years. Ice conditions definitely play a role, but I think there is a lull in cargo and people movements in this gap as well (making C17s an overkill), and who knows what the DOD is up too.

If I were to argue for wheeled flights during this gap, I would see if an Airbus or B757 cannot be brought on board.


From: mcm-pi [mailto:mcm-pi-bounces at lists.lternet.edu] On Behalf Of Michael Gooseff
Sent: Wednesday, June 03, 2015 7:56 AM
To: Peter Doran
Cc: mcm-pi at lternet.edu
Subject: Re: [LTER-mcm-pi] Grantee travel pause from 17 Dec-04 Jan

Thanks, Peter.  We will bring this up with Liz this afternoon (Chris and I are meeting with her at ASC) and I’ll raise with Jessie tomorrow morning (I have a teleconf set up with her).

I think you are right, that the winter C17 flights are all in support of logistics and no science (for now).  I’m not 100% sure of the factors that contribute to the C17 gap in the middle of the austral summer.  I had thought that it was mainly the challenge of having wheeled aircraft of that size/weight on potentially soft runways, but there may be an issue with access to those aircraft during that time too (maybe funding as well).

More details tomorrow on the webconf.


On Jun 3, 2015, at 7:43 AM, Peter Doran <pdoran at lsu.edu<mailto:pdoran at lsu.edu>> wrote:

I came across this


and it got me thinking about the priorities. NSF is operating a number of winter C17 flights this year and moving towards opening up the winter - for logistics. At the same time we are being told we have to live with the reality of this C17 gap in the middle of the field season. Is there a connection between the two? Where is the science justification for the winter access? 'is this new winter access coming at the cost of summer science support. we could sure use a couple of those winter C17 flights in late December or early January. Reading the justification for the winter flights, there is nothing about science.

Peter Doran, Professor and John Franks Chair

Department of Geology and Geophysics

E235 Howe Russell Geosciences Complex

Louisiana State University

Baton Rouge, Louisiana, USA 70803

Ph: 225-578-3955

Fx: 225-578-2302


On 5/29/15 2:26 PM, Michael Gooseff wrote:
Hi all,

I spoke with Lisa about this today and learned a bit about the reasoning.  I pointed out the unfortunate timing to communicate this AFTER SIPs were due, etc. and that we are academic creatures who are trying to work around teaching responsibilities.  She understood both points and admitted that she hadn’t been to many of the PLR staff meetings lately because of her new role in OCE.

The challenge that NSF is grappling with is that the ‘new normal’ is going to be reliance on the limited fleet of LC-130s during the C-17 gap.  The idea this year is to dedicate the 130s to science during this period (science around the continent).  Last year the mission completion rate (planned vs completed) was about 50% on the ice because of the mulitple commitments of the 130s.  The way they are handling this is to dedicate a period to ‘on ice missions’ during this part of the season.  Again, unfortunate that they decided this AFTER the SIPs were submitted…  I plan to call Jessie Crain to discuss.  This week is her first week back from maternity leave, so I’ll inquire today about setting up a time to chat next week.

Chris and I have a meeting with Liz set up for next Wednesday afternoon, and we will pursue the issue there as well.

I’ll pass along more as it comes available.



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