[LTER-mcm-pi] FW: [LTER-site-exec] Site Reps for LTER ASM Diversity & Inclusion workshop

Michael Gooseff michael.gooseff at colorado.edu
Thu Aug 13 09:40:21 MDT 2015

Hi all,

FYI…  This working group is asking for a volunteer from our site.  If you look at the example table below, it’s a mix of grad students and PIs.

PLEASE sign up for this if you are willing to represent us, and pass along to your team members who might be interested and encourage them to sign up as well.



From: site-exec on behalf of Daniel Nidzgorski
Date: Wednesday, August 12, 2015 at 10:04 AM
To: "site-exec at lternet.edu<mailto:site-exec at lternet.edu>"
Subject: [LTER-site-exec] Site Reps for LTER ASM Diversity & Inclusion workshop

To LTER PIs and Site Management teams:

As you've already heard, the LTER Diversity Committee is hosting a workshop at the 2015 ASM on concrete next steps for fostering, sustaining, and benefiting from diversity in all its forms. Two main focus areas of this workshop are 1) building mentoring systems and 2) developing formal diversity plans.

We're asking for your help to make sure all LTER sites are represented in this workshop so we can explore LTER-wide challenges and strategies, and develop a peer network among LTER sites. Whether your site has a rich history of working with diversity and inclusion, or whether you're wondering where to start, your site's voice is important in this workshop and you'll benefit from someone bringing home usable ideas and resources.

Please ensure that someone from your site will attend the Diversity & Inclusion workshop (Tuesday, 9/1, 10am). Ideally, this will be someone in a position to take what they have learned in the workshop and help advance diversity and inclusion back home. Right now, the advance sign-up list only includes people from a handful of sites, many of whom are grad students. (list below so you can see if anyone from your site has already signed up)

Please have attendees sign up at: http://goo.gl/forms/mGVlZU4WnK In the next couple of weeks, we'll be following up with sites that don't yet have a representative, as well as polling the attendees to make sure we're covering the topics that are important to your sites.

Thank you in advance for your help! If you have any questions, most of the workshop organizing team is at ESA this week, so feel free to grab us here or by e-mail (Alan Berkowitz, Elizabeth Cook, Frank Day, Clarisse Hart, Daniel Nidzgorski, Teresa Mourad, Jorge Ramos, Elena Sparrow).

On behalf of the LTER Ad-Hoc Diversity Committee,
Daniel Nidzgorski, Chair

Workshop sign-up list:
Name    Email address   Primary LTER site affiliation   Role (check all that apply)
Mark Anthony    mat5955 at wildcats.unh.edu<mailto:mat5955 at wildcats.unh.edu>       Harvard Forest (HFR)    Grad student
Shanze Li       zixin211 at gmail.com<mailto:zixin211 at gmail.com>   Georgia Coastal Ecosystems (GCE)        Grad student
Becky Miller    millereb at onid.oregonstate.edu<mailto:millereb at onid.oregonstate.edu>     Andrews Forest (AND)    Technician
Max Castorani   max.castorani at ucsb.edu<mailto:max.castorani at ucsb.edu>   Santa Barbara Coastal (SBC)     Post-doc
Janice McDonnell        mcdonnel at marine.rutgers.edu<mailto:mcdonnel at marine.rutgers.edu> Palmer Station Antarctica (PAL) Education Rep
Dan Childers    dan.childers at asu.edu<mailto:dan.childers at asu.edu>       Central Arizona - Phoenix (CAP) PI / Faculty
Cristina Schultz        cschultz at whoi.edu<mailto:cschultz at whoi.edu>     Palmer Station Antarctica (PAL) Grad student
Wendy Leuenberger       wleuenbe at syr.edu<mailto:wleuenbe at syr.edu>       Hubbard Brook (HBR)     Grad student
Jennifer Rice   jlrice at uga.edu<mailto:jlrice at uga.edu>   Coweeta (CWT)   PI / Faculty
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