[LTER-luq] Fwd: The Puerto Rico warming experiment has begun!

Gonzalez, Grizelle -FS ggonzalez at fs.fed.us
Thu Oct 27 09:36:32 PDT 2016


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From: "Wood, Tana - FS" <tanawood at fs.fed.us<mailto:tanawood at fs.fed.us>>
Date: October 27, 2016 at 10:42:47 AM CDT
To: Dan Stover <daniel.stover at science.doe.gov<mailto:daniel.stover at science.doe.gov>>, Jared DeForest <jared.deforest at science.doe.gov<mailto:jared.deforest at science.doe.gov>>, Rich Norby <norbyrj at ornl.gov<mailto:norbyrj at ornl.gov>>, Keith Lewin <lewin at bnl.gov<mailto:lewin at bnl.gov>>, "Kimball, Bruce - ARS" <Bruce.Kimball at ARS.USDA.GOV<mailto:Bruce.Kimball at ars.usda.gov>>, Skip Van Bloem <skipvb at clemson.edu<mailto:skipvb at clemson.edu>>, Eric Davidson <edavidson at umces.edu<mailto:edavidson at umces.edu>>, George Vourlitis <georgev at csusm.edu<mailto:georgev at csusm.edu>>, Eoin Brodie <elbrodie at lbl.gov<mailto:elbrodie at lbl.gov>>, Jen Pett-Ridge <pettridge2 at llnl.gov<mailto:pettridge2 at llnl.gov>>, Jackie Mohan <jmohan at uga.edu<mailto:jmohan at uga.edu>>, Margaret Torn <mstorn at lbl.gov<mailto:mstorn at lbl.gov>>, Pam Templar <ptempler at bu.edu<mailto:ptempler at bu.edu>>, Onno Muller <onno.muller at colorado.edu<mailto:onno.muller at colorado.edu>>, Yiquing Li <yiqing at hawaii.edu<mailto:yiqing at hawaii.edu>>, Frank Bowles <fpmc.bowles at gmail.com<mailto:fpmc.bowles at gmail.com>>, Jeff Chambers <jchambers at lbl.gov<mailto:jchambers at lbl.gov>>, "lmkueppers at lbl.gov<mailto:lmkueppers at lbl.gov>" <lmkueppers at lbl.gov<mailto:lmkueppers at lbl.gov>>, Whendee Silver <wsilver at berkeley.edu<mailto:wsilver at berkeley.edu>>, Peter Reich <preich at umn.edu<mailto:preich at umn.edu>>, Peter Thorton <thorntonpe at ornl.gov<mailto:thorntonpe at ornl.gov>>, Mike Ryan <mryan at rams.colostate.edu<mailto:mryan at rams.colostate.edu>>, Bill Bauerle <bill.bauerle at colostate.edu<mailto:bill.bauerle at colostate.edu>>, Deborah Clark <deborahanneclark at gmail.com<mailto:deborahanneclark at gmail.com>>, Maria Uriarte <mu2126 at columbia.edu<mailto:mu2126 at columbia.edu>>, "Lugo, Ariel -FS" <alugo at fs.fed.us<mailto:alugo at fs.fed.us>>, "medinage at gmail.com<mailto:medinage at gmail.com>" <medinage at gmail.com<mailto:medinage at gmail.com>>, "epcuevas at gmail.com<mailto:epcuevas at gmail.com>" <epcuevas at gmail.com<mailto:epcuevas at gmail.com>>, Rosie Fisher <rfisher at ucar.edu<mailto:rfisher at ucar.edu>>, Joe Wright <wrightj at si.edu<mailto:wrightj at si.edu>>, Helene Muller Landau <hmullerlandau at gmail.com<mailto:hmullerlandau at gmail.com>>, Rebecca Montgomery <rebeccam at umn.edu<mailto:rebeccam at umn.edu>>, Roy Rich <rich0475 at umn.edu<mailto:rich0475 at umn.edu>>, Andrew Nottingham <anotting at staffmail.ed.ac.uk<mailto:anotting at staffmail.ed.ac.uk>>, Patrick Meir <pwmeir at gmail.com<mailto:pwmeir at gmail.com>>, "jharte at berkeley.edu<mailto:jharte at berkeley.edu>" <jharte at berkeley.edu<mailto:jharte at berkeley.edu>>, Adam Coble <adam.coble at unh.edu<mailto:adam.coble at unh.edu>>, Alida Mau <acmau at mtu.edu<mailto:acmau at mtu.edu>>, Joanne Sharpe <joannemsharpe at gmail.com<mailto:joannemsharpe at gmail.com>>, Deb Kennard <dkennard at coloradomesa.edu<mailto:dkennard at coloradomesa.edu>>, Joanne Childs <childsj at ornl.gov<mailto:childsj at ornl.gov>>, "Nathan G. 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Cc: Sasha Reed <screed at usgs.gov<mailto:screed at usgs.gov>>, Molly Cavaleri <macavale at mtu.edu<mailto:macavale at mtu.edu>>
Subject: The Puerto Rico warming experiment has begun!

Dear Friends and Colleagues,

It is our great joy to let you know that the Puerto Rico warming experiment treatments have begun! When we think back to the very first meeting in Albuquerque, where we discussed ideas of how to improve our understanding of climate change effects in tropical forests, I don't think Sasha, Molly, or I realized the amount of work it would take to get a warming experiment of this magnitude off the ground.  It turns out you have to be an engineer, an electrician, a construction manager, a safety expert as well as a scientist! We are so grateful to all of you for the insight, advice and support that you have provided over the past 7 years, and we hope that our na?ve willingness to take on such a task will pay off with a much improved understanding of these critical ecosystems!!

With so much hard work behind us (and yet to come), we are very excited to let you know that we are already collecting beautiful data and that the start of the experiment was covered by The Guardian!


We look forward to working with you as this research continues, and thank you again for your invaluable encouragement and support.


Tana, Sasha, and Molly

[Forest Service Shield]

Tana E. Wood, PhD
Research Ecologist

Forest Service
International Institute of Tropical Forestry

p: 787-764-7935
tanawood at fs.fed.us<mailto:tanawood at fs.fed.us>

Sabana Field Research Station, HC2 Box 6205
Luquillo, PR 00773
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