[LTER-luq] UPR President and Chancellor visit to El Verde tomorrow

Jess Zimmerman jesskz at ites.upr.edu
Wed Jul 6 10:01:56 MDT 2016

Hi All,

Our President and Chancellor will be visiting El Verde tomorrow to
inaugerate the new building that Alonso built.  If any (co-)PIs or students
are around, I would appreciate you attending.  I would like your presence
to be known.  I think we will be starting at 9:00 am.  Let me know if you
can attend and I can give you more precise times later today.



Jess K. Zimmerman
Lead PI, Luquillo LTER Program
Department Environmental Sciences
University of Puerto Rico - Rio Piedras
Rio Piedras, Puerto Rico

Tel: 787-764-0000 ext. 1-XXXX-# where XXXX is:
   LTER Program Office: 88233
   El Verde Field Station: 83467
Mobile: 787-380-3311
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