[LTER-luq] Fwd: CTFSNET: Job Opportunity: Dendrochronology Researcher, Czech Republic

Sarah Stankavich sarahstankavich at gmail.com
Tue Jul 5 10:31:55 MDT 2016

---------- Forwarded message ----------
From: "Larsen, Matthew C." <LarsenMC at si.edu>
Date: Jul 2, 2016 12:07 PM
Subject: Fwd: CTFSNET: Job Opportunity: Dendrochronology Researcher, Czech
To: "Sarah Stankavich" <sarahstankavich at gmail.com>, "Bilgray, Adriana" <
BilgrayA at si.edu>


*Matthew C. Larsen, PhD*

*Director, Smithsonian Tropical Research Institute*

*Balboa, República de Panamá*

*www.stri.si.edu <http://www.stri.si.edu/>*

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*larsenmc at si.edu <larsenmc at si.edu>*

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*Smithsonian Tropical Research Institute | PANAMA

Begin forwarded message:

*From:* "Powell, Kristin I." <PowellK at si.edu>
*Date:* July 1, 2016 at 15:16:19 EST
*To:* <CTFSNET at SI-LISTSERV.SI.EDU <CTFSNET at si-listserv.si.edu>>
*Subject:* *CTFSNET: Job Opportunity: Dendrochronology Researcher, Czech
*Reply-To:* "Center for Trop. Forest Science Network" <
CTFSNET at SI-LISTSERV.SI.EDU <CTFSNET at si-listserv.si.edu>>

*Junior Researcher of Dendrochronology with the Silva Tarouca Research
Institute, Department of Forest Ecology*

Location: Brno, Czech Republic

The Silva Tarouca Research Institute is hiring a researcher to take a
leading role on two main projects, including 1) ecosystem engineering and
soil complexity in old-growth temperate forests and 2) complex analysis of
biological value and silvicultural approaches of the Bohemian Forest. Both
projects are collaborative and require knowledge of dendrochronological
analyses. The successful candidate will have expertise in dendrochronology,
preferably a PhD, and work with the “Blue Cat” Silva Tarouca Reseach
Institute team until December 2018.

For more information, see the attached position description and contact
Pavel Šamonil at pavel.samonil at vukoz.cz


To learn more about CTFS - ForestGEO, visit our website (
www.forestgeo.si.edu) and newsblog (ctfsnews.blogspot.com).

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