[LTER-luq] Fwd: Can you forward to your email water lists?

Gonzalez, Grizelle -FS ggonzalez at fs.fed.us
Tue Jan 5 07:02:33 MST 2016

Dr. Grizelle González
Project Leader

Forest Service
International Institute of Tropical Forestry

p: 787-764-7800<tel:787-764-7800>
f: 787-766-6302<tel:787-766-6302>
ggonzalez at fs.fed.us<mailto:ggonzalez at fs.fed.us>

Jardín Botánico Sur,
1201 Ceiba St.<x-apple-data-detectors://0/3>
San Juan, PR 00926<x-apple-data-detectors://0/3>

Caring for the land and serving people

 Sent from my iPhone

Begin forwarded message:

From: "Hayes, Deborah -FS" <deborahhayes at fs.fed.us<mailto:deborahhayes at fs.fed.us>>
Date: January 4, 2016 at 5:09:18 PM AST
To: "Beyers, Jan -FS" <jbeyers at fs.fed.us<mailto:jbeyers at fs.fed.us>>, "Bormann, Bernard -FS" <bbormann at fs.fed.us<mailto:bbormann at fs.fed.us>>, "Brockway, Dale -FS" <dbrockway at fs.fed.us<mailto:dbrockway at fs.fed.us>>, "Butnor, John -FS" <jbutnor at fs.fed.us<mailto:jbutnor at fs.fed.us>>, "Carter, Emily A -FS" <eacarter at fs.fed.us<mailto:eacarter at fs.fed.us>>, "Chambers, Jeanne -FS" <jchambers at fs.fed.us<mailto:jchambers at fs.fed.us>>, "D'Amore, David V -FS" <ddamore at fs.fed.us<mailto:ddamore at fs.fed.us>>, "Dolloff, Andy -FS" <adolloff at fs.fed.us<mailto:adolloff at fs.fed.us>>, "Dumroese, Debbie -FS" <ddumroese at fs.fed.us<mailto:ddumroese at fs.fed.us>>, "Finch, Deborah M -FS" <dfinch at fs.fed.us<mailto:dfinch at fs.fed.us>>, "Fred.Swanson at oregonstate.edu<mailto:Fred.Swanson at oregonstate.edu>" <Fred.Swanson at oregonstate.edu<mailto:Fred.Swanson at oregonstate.edu>>, "Giardina, Christian P -FS" <cgiardina at fs.fed.us<mailto:cgiardina at fs.fed.us>>, "Gonzalez, Grizelle -FS" <ggonzalez at fs.fed.us<mailto:ggonzalez at fs.fed.us>>, "Grant, Gordon -FS" <ggrant at fs.fed.us<mailto:ggrant at fs.fed.us>>, "Guldin, Jim -FS" <jguldin at fs.fed.us<mailto:jguldin at fs.fed.us>>, "Harrington, Connie -FS" <charrington at fs.fed.us<mailto:charrington at fs.fed.us>>, "Hill, Alison -FS" <ahill01 at fs.fed.us<mailto:ahill01 at fs.fed.us>>, "Hom, John -FS" <jhom at fs.fed.us<mailto:jhom at fs.fed.us>>, "Hunsaker, Carolyn -FS" <chunsaker at fs.fed.us<mailto:chunsaker at fs.fed.us>>, "Johnsen, Kurt -FS" <kjohnsen at fs.fed.us<mailto:kjohnsen at fs.fed.us>>, "Knoepp, Jennifer -FS" <jknoepp at fs.fed.us<mailto:jknoepp at fs.fed.us>>, "Lilleskov, Erik A -FS" <elilleskov at fs.fed.us<mailto:elilleskov at fs.fed.us>>, "Lodge, Deborah J -FS" <dlodge at fs.fed.us<mailto:dlodge at fs.fed.us>>, "Luce, Charlie -FS" <cluce at fs.fed.us<mailto:cluce at fs.fed.us>>, "Lugo, Ariel -FS" <alugo at fs.fed.us<mailto:alugo at fs.fed.us>>, "Maier, Christopher -FS" <cmaier at fs.fed.us<mailto:cmaier at fs.fed.us>>, "Neary, Dan -FS" <dneary at fs.fed.us<mailto:dneary at fs.fed.us>>, "Nowak, David -FS" <dnowak at fs.fed.us<mailto:dnowak at fs.fed.us>>, "Perry, Charles H -FS" <charleshperry at fs.fed.us<mailto:charleshperry at fs.fed.us>>, "Rhoades, Charles C -FS" <crhoades at fs.fed.us<mailto:crhoades at fs.fed.us>>, "Ruark, Gregory A -FS" <gruark at fs.fed.us<mailto:gruark at fs.fed.us>>, "Sanchez, Felipe -FS" <fsanchez at fs.fed.us<mailto:fsanchez at fs.fed.us>>, "Scott, Andy -FS" <andyscott at fs.fed.us<mailto:andyscott at fs.fed.us>>, "Smith, Kevin -FS" <ktsmith at fs.fed.us<mailto:ktsmith at fs.fed.us>>, "Stanturf, John -FS" <jstanturf at fs.fed.us<mailto:jstanturf at fs.fed.us>>, "Sun, Ge -FS" <gesun at fs.fed.us<mailto:gesun at fs.fed.us>>, "Swanston, Christopher W -FS" <cswanston at fs.fed.us<mailto:cswanston at fs.fed.us>>, "Trettin, Carl C -FS" <ctrettin at fs.fed.us<mailto:ctrettin at fs.fed.us>>, "Vose, James M -FS" <jvose at fs.fed.us<mailto:jvose at fs.fed.us>>, "Wright, David -FS" <dkwright at fs.fed.us<mailto:dkwright at fs.fed.us>>, "Adams, Mary - FS" <mbadams at fs.fed.us<mailto:mbadams at fs.fed.us>>, "Amacher, Mike -FS" <mamacher at fs.fed.us<mailto:mamacher at fs.fed.us>>, "Bailey, Scott -FS" <swbailey at fs.fed.us<mailto:swbailey at fs.fed.us>>, "Birdsey, Richard -FS" <rbirdsey at fs.fed.us<mailto:rbirdsey at fs.fed.us>>, "Brown, Thomas C -FS" <tcbrown at fs.fed.us<mailto:tcbrown at fs.fed.us>>, "Busse, Matt -FS" <mbusse at fs.fed.us<mailto:mbusse at fs.fed.us>>, "Caldwell, Peter V -FS" <pcaldwell02 at fs.fed.us<mailto:pcaldwell02 at fs.fed.us>>, "Callaham, Mac A -FS" <mcallaham at fs.fed.us<mailto:mcallaham at fs.fed.us>>, "Castellano, Mike -FS" <mcastellano at fs.fed.us<mailto:mcastellano at fs.fed.us>>, "Edwards, Pamela J -FS" <pjedwards at fs.fed.us<mailto:pjedwards at fs.fed.us>>, "Edwards, Richard T -FS" <rtedwards at fs.fed.us<mailto:rtedwards at fs.fed.us>>, "Elder, Kelly J -FS" <kelder at fs.fed.us<mailto:kelder at fs.fed.us>>, "Elliot, William J -FS" <welliot at fs.fed.us<mailto:welliot at fs.fed.us>>, "Fenn, Mark -FS" <mfenn at fs.fed.us<mailto:mfenn at fs.fed.us>>, "Graham, Russell T -FS" <rtgraham at fs.fed.us<mailto:rtgraham at fs.fed.us>>, "Grulke, Nancy -FS" <ngrulke at fs.fed.us<mailto:ngrulke at fs.fed.us>>, "Heath, Linda -FS" <lheath at fs.fed.us<mailto:lheath at fs.fed.us>>, "Hiremath, Shivanand -FS" <shiremath at fs.fed.us<mailto:shiremath at fs.fed.us>>, "Joyce, Linda -FS" <ljoyce at fs.fed.us<mailto:ljoyce at fs.fed.us>>, "Kelsey, Rick -FS" <rkelsey at fs.fed.us<mailto:rkelsey at fs.fed.us>>, "Klopfenstein, Ned -FS" <nklopfenstein at fs.fed.us<mailto:nklopfenstein at fs.fed.us>>, "Kolka, Randall K -FS" <rkolka at fs.fed.us<mailto:rkolka at fs.fed.us>>, "Leininger, Ted -FS" <tleininger at fs.fed.us<mailto:tleininger at fs.fed.us>>, "McNulty, Steve -FS" <smcnulty at fs.fed.us<mailto:smcnulty at fs.fed.us>>, "Minocha, Rakesh -FS" <rminocha at fs.fed.us<mailto:rminocha at fs.fed.us>>, "Overby, Steven -FS" <soverby at fs.fed.us<mailto:soverby at fs.fed.us>>, "Pardo, Linda -FS" <lpardo at fs.fed.us<mailto:lpardo at fs.fed.us>>, "Pouyat, Richard -FS" <rpouyat at fs.fed.us<mailto:rpouyat at fs.fed.us>>, "Reid, Leslie -FS" <lreid at fs.fed.us<mailto:lreid at fs.fed.us>>, "Robichaud, Pete -FS" <probichaud at fs.fed.us<mailto:probichaud at fs.fed.us>>, "rpowers at c-zone.net<mailto:rpowers at c-zone.net>" <rpowers at c-zone.net<mailto:rpowers at c-zone.net>>, "Rustad, Lindsey -FS" <lrustad at fs.fed.us<mailto:lrustad at fs.fed.us>>, "Ryan-Burkett, Sandra E -FS" <sryanburkett at fs.fed.us<mailto:sryanburkett at fs.fed.us>>, "Schmidt, Thomas -FS" <tschmidt at fs.fed.us<mailto:tschmidt at fs.fed.us>>, "Schoeneberger, Michele M -FS" <mschoeneberger at fs.fed.us<mailto:mschoeneberger at fs.fed.us>>, "Sebestyen, Stephen -FS" <ssebestyen at fs.fed.us<mailto:ssebestyen at fs.fed.us>>, "sherri.l.johnson at oregonstate.edu<mailto:sherri.l.johnson at oregonstate.edu>" <sherri.l.johnson at oregonstate.edu<mailto:sherri.l.johnson at oregonstate.edu>>, "Spies, Tom -FS" <tspies at fs.fed.us<mailto:tspies at fs.fed.us>>, "Stine, Peter A -FS" <pstine at fs.fed.us<mailto:pstine at fs.fed.us>>, "Sung, Susana -FS" <ssung at fs.fed.us<mailto:ssung at fs.fed.us>>, "Sword, Mary -FS" <msword at fs.fed.us<mailto:msword at fs.fed.us>>, "Tomosy, Monica S -FS" <mstomosy at fs.fed.us<mailto:mstomosy at fs.fed.us>>, "Westphal, Lynne -FS" <lwestphal at fs.fed.us<mailto:lwestphal at fs.fed.us>>, "Woodsmith, Richard D -FS" <rdwoodsmith at fs.fed.us<mailto:rdwoodsmith at fs.fed.us>>, "Campbell, John -FS" <jlcampbell at fs.fed.us<mailto:jlcampbell at fs.fed.us>>, "Dymond, Salli - FS, Davis, CA" <sdymond at fs.fed.us<mailto:sdymond at fs.fed.us>>, "Kondo, Michelle C -FS" <michelleckondo at fs.fed.us<mailto:michelleckondo at fs.fed.us>>, "Miniat, Chelcy F -FS" <cfminiat at fs.fed.us<mailto:cfminiat at fs.fed.us>>, "Rothlisberger, John D -FS" <jrothlisberger at fs.fed.us<mailto:jrothlisberger at fs.fed.us>>, "Shortle, Walter -FS" <wshortle at fs.fed.us<mailto:wshortle at fs.fed.us>>, "Smith, Helen -FS" <hsmith04 at fs.fed.us<mailto:hsmith04 at fs.fed.us>>
Subject: FW: Can you forward to your email water lists?

Sorry for the duplication.

From: Thomas, Jean A -FS
Sent: Monday, January 04, 2016 3:45 PM
To: Abood, Sinan Ayad -FS; Barnes, Martina -FS; Beck, James P -FS; Begay, Lavonna F -FS; Berger, Elizabeth - FS; Bojonell, Hilaire -FS; Brown, Thomas C -FS; Caldwell, Peter V -FS; Carlson, Christopher -FS; Carlson, Joan Y -FS; Cenderelli, Dan -FS; Crump, Michael A -FS; Dowd, Cathryn -FS; Eberle, Michael B -FS; Edwards, Pamela J -FS; Elliot, William J -FS; Epstein, Jonas K -FS; Ewen, Alice -FS; Furnish, Joseph -FS; Geier, Theodore W -FS; Gillespie, Nathaniel G -FS; Goodman, William -FS; Gough, Jamie -FS; Grant, Gordon -FS; Gurrieri, Joseph T -FS; Halemeier, Dave -FS; Hancock, Tracy C -FS; Hayes, Deborah -FS; Hays, Polly E -FS; Herbert, Catherine T -FS; Hixson, Suzan -FS; Isaak, Daniel -FS; Janowsky, Bill -FS; Jaramillo, Anna M -FS; Jemison, Roy -FS; Jensen, Amy A -FS; John, Tommy -FS; Joyce, Linda -FS; Kellett, Michael -FS; Kelley, Rita - FS; Konnoff, Deborah L -FS; Krieger, Suzanne -FS; Lane, John R -FS; Leftwich, Kevin -FS; Levinson, David -FS; Luce, Charlie -FS; Lucero, Carl F -FS; Luehring, Penny A -FS; Maes, Ronnie -FS; Martin, Donald -FS; McCormick, Frank H -FS; McDougal, Leigh -FS; McNulty, Steve -FS; Merony, Kristin A -FS; Merritt, David M -FS; Muir, Mark J -FS; minnkota98 at gmail.com<mailto:minnkota98 at gmail.com>; Nowacki, Greg -FS; O'Dea, Claire B -FS; Paroz, Yvette M -FS; Pouyat, Richard -FS; Robbie, Wayne A -FS; Rogers, Andrea E -FS; Roper, Brett B -FS; Rothlisberger, John D -FS; Sanborn, Brian -FS; Simon, Jed A -FS; Smith, Katherine L -FS; Snieckus, Mary -FS; Spaulding, Scott -FS; Spencer, Steven M -FS; Staab, Brian -FS; Stremple, Nancy -FS; Sun, Ge -FS; Tait, Cynthia -FS; TenPas, Jeff D -FS; Thomas, Cameron A -FS; Thompson, Troy R -FS; Trish Carroll (Trishcarroll54 at outlook.com<mailto:Trishcarroll54 at outlook.com>); Unthank, Amy -FS; Venegas, Gabriel - FS; Weidner, Emily F -FS; Wintergerst, Robert -FS; Winters, David S -FS; Witt, Shelly -FS; Wyatt, Bonnie -FS; Yochum, Steven E -FS
Subject: FW: Can you forward to your email water lists?

[Forest Service Shield]

Jean A. Thomas
National Water Rights Leader

Forest Service
Washington Office

p: 202-205-1172
c: 202-527-4077
f: 202-644-4806
jathomas02 at fs.fed.us<mailto:jathomas02 at fs.fed.us>

201 14th Street, SW
Washington, DC 20024
[http://wwwstatic.fs.usda.gov/images/email/usda-logo.png]<http://usda.gov/>[Twitter Logo]<https://twitter.com/forestservice>[Facebook Logo]<http://facebook.com/USDA>

Caring for the land and serving people

From: Pouyat, Richard -FS
Sent: Friday, December 18, 2015 6:51 AM
To: Thomas, Jean A -FS; Hayes, Deborah -FS
Subject: Can you forward to your email water lists?

­Jean, Deb,

Can you forward to your water email lists? Can provide input at link below.  Will have limited attendance, but anyone can provide input.




On March 22, 2016, the Administration will host a White House Water Summit to raise awareness of water issues in the United States, and to catalyze ideas and actions to help build a sustainable and secure water future through innovative solutions. This event, which builds on the December 15, 2015 White House Roundtable on Water Innovation<https://www.whitehouse.gov/blog/2015/12/15/changing-game-water-supply> and other Administration activities, will bring together representatives from Federal, state, regional, local and tribal levels, and from other stakeholder groups, to discuss and advance progress in this important area.

As part of this effort, the White House is issuing a call-to-action for individuals, organizations, and institutions from all sectors to take new, specific, and measurable steps to address key water issues, such as drought or flooding; water availability or quality; water-use efficiency; water security; ecosystem requirements; or others. If applicable, announcements of these steps may be incorporated into official materials for the White House Water Summit, and involved individuals may be invited to participate in the White House Water Summit and/or related events.

For more information on this event (including links to examples of commitments made in response to previous White House calls-to-action), and to submit your input, click here<https://www.whitehouse.gov/webform/share-your-input-activities-and-actions-build-sustainable-water-future>.

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