[LTER-luq] minimal field lists for specific studies

Eda C. Melendez-Colom edacorreo at yahoo.com
Sun May 31 16:21:56 MDT 2015


Thanks Bill.
Unfortunately, I will not be at this year's Annual meeting either. Last year I attended a Convention on Drupal, the platform we use as our website and at the same time our Information Management System. 

This year, I will be part of a workshop: "Field ecology of ferns: a call for new standard methods and opportunities for collaboration among pteridologists” in Washington D.C., June 5th 2015.
Although I like participating in our annual meetings since it is my opportunity to talk and learn from LUQ's scientists, I am looking forward to participating in this international event for which I had the honor to be invited.
Nevertheless, except for Friday morning and early afternoon, I will be available by email, phone and Skype, if necessary.

EDAPS Bill: I copied the rest of the group to inform them about my absence next week. 

    From:  McDowell, Bill <Bill.McDowell at unh.edu>; 
  To:  edacorreo at yahoo.com <edacorreo at yahoo.com>; 
  Subject:  RE: [LTER-luq] minimal field lists for specific studies 
  Sent:  Sun, May 31, 2015 6:26:40 PM 
| OK, I look forward to seeing you this week. Bill    William H. McDowell Professor of Environmental Science and Presidential Chair Department of Natural Resources and the Environment, University of New Hampshire Director, NH Water Resources Research Center (http://wrrc.unh.edu/) (603) 862-2249bill.mcdowell at unh.edu    From: edacorreo at yahoo.com [mailto:edacorreo at yahoo.com]
Sent: Sunday, May 31, 2015 9:58 AM
To: McDowell, Bill
Cc: Luquillo's PIs
Subject: Re: [LTER-luq] minimal field lists for specific studies    Sorry. I misunderstood a question from a scientist that was really asking about a list of essential fields to document a biological data set. In other words, he was asking about metadata and not data. 
I guess the word "metadata" is not really widely used and since he asked for a minimal list of fields for data files, I thought for some areas of  investigation there might be a minimal list of measurements investigator should do when conducting a specific experiment. I realized he was talking about metadata after we talked about it some more.

Thank you for telling me you did not understand my question...probably nobody did and I can clarify it to the rest of the group.

Sent from my HTC One™ X, an AT&T 4G LTE smartphone

----- Reply message -----
From: "McDowell, Bill" <Bill.McDowell at unh.edu>
To: "Eda C. Melendez-Colom" <edacorreo at yahoo.com>
Subject: [LTER-luq] minimal field lists for specific studies
Date: Sat, May 30, 2015 6:58 AM

Sorry. Don't really understand the question. Bill

Sent from my iPhone

On May 29, 2015, at 5:31 PM, Eda C. Melendez-Colom <edacorreo at yahoo.com<mailto:edacorreo at yahoo.com>> wrote:


Do we  prepare lists of minimal amount and type of measurements to take depending on the field of study?

Maybe another way to put it is a list of minimal data fields in a table for specific data set types.



Eda C. Melendez Colom
Information Manager
LTER Program
University of Puerto Rico
Tel. (787) 764-0000 (1-4943)
Fax (787) 772 -1481
Long Term Ecological Research Network
luq mailing list
luq at lists.lternet.edu<mailto:luq at lists.lternet.edu>  |

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