[LTER-luq] FW: [PLANT-SOIL-ECO] Fwd: The Amazon going up in smoke

Thompson, Jill jiom at ceh.ac.uk
Thu Dec 3 06:29:45 MST 2015

For your info (see message below) - if you can lobby someone anywhere that might influence the COP, then please do so.

Cheers, Jill

>-----Original Message-----
>From: Plants, Soils, Ecosystems [mailto:PLANT-SOIL-ECO at JISCMAIL.AC.UK] On
>Behalf Of Mike Whitfield
>Sent: 03 December 2015 12:49
>Subject: [PLANT-SOIL-ECO] Fwd: The Amazon going up in smoke
>Dear Plants-Soils-Ecosystems,
>Please see the message below, and disseminate it widely.
>With best wishes,
>Mike Whitfield
>Deputy Secretary, BES Plants-Soils-Ecosystems
>---------- Forwarded message ----------
>From: Berenguer, Erika (berengue) <e.berenguer at lancaster.ac.uk
><mailto:e.berenguer at lancaster.ac.uk> >
>Date: 3 December 2015 at 12:03
>Subject: The Amazon going up in smoke
>To: "bgc at lists.lancs.ac.uk <mailto:bgc at lists.lancs.ac.uk> "
><bgc at lists.lancs.ac.uk <mailto:bgc at lists.lancs.ac.uk> >
>Hi all,
>For the past 6 weeks I've been living right in the middle of a thick veil of smoke
>here in the Amazon. I am literally seeing the forest burn under my feet and
>the previous luxuriant green being replaced by an ashy gray. Yesterday a
>couple of our study plots have burned and the smell of dead flesh was
>pungent and ubiquitous. It was like walking on an open-air cemetery.
>The case of our plots is not unique, in November alone over 18,000 fires have
>been detected in the Brazilian Amazon, but no one is reporting it. Given our
>frustration and pure sadness, Jos and I have written a piece for The
>Please disseminate it widely. It is vital that these fires are not neglected, once
>again, during the COP.
>Best regards,
>Dr. Erika Berenguer
>Senior Research Associate - Lancaster University Visiting Research Associate -
>University of Oxford
>Assessing land-use sustainability in the Brazilian Amazon
>Skype: erikaberenguer

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