[LTER-luq-pi] Science Council Meeting?

Jess Zimmerman jesskz at ites.upr.edu
Thu Sep 8 13:25:48 MDT 2016

Dear Marty,

I discussed hosting the Science Council Meeting with our Management
Committee and we are open to the idea.  Our thinking is that if you can get
one of two hotels in the area of the field site (links below) that have
good meeting facilities, that this would make things easy on us.  We would
not need to deal with logistics other than a half day field trip, which
would be easy to organize.  We have hosted a local science meeting (our
CZO) with great success at Rio Mar.  The rooms were relatively cheap (for a
resort) and the meeting rooms and food were great.  We suggest you next
contact each of the hotels to see what sort of deal they can give us.  If
it fits the budget then it will work.  If not, we may need to do it at
another site.

One other important thing to evaluate is the Zika virus.  The situation is
nuanced and I personally think a lot of this is overblown (I can explain in
detail with citations why), but I would be hard pressed to convince a
pregnant woman of this.  The downsides are pretty severe.  The meeting will
not happen for over a year from now and I would expect the Zika epidemic to
have subsided by then (we can check the timing of past epidemics), but we
need to consider the issue before committing ourselves.

Here are the links to Rio Mar and Gran Melia:

If you or Frank wants to talk on the phone about this, I am happy to set up
a time.


Jess K. Zimmerman
Lead PI, Luquillo LTER Program
Director, El Verde Field Station
Department Environmental Sciences
University of Puerto Rico - Rio Piedras
Rio Piedras, Puerto Rico

Tel: 787-764-0000 ext. 1-XXXX-# where XXXX is:
   LTER Program Office: 88233
   El Verde Field Station: 83467
Mobile: 787-380-3311

On Wed, Sep 7, 2016 at 11:19 AM, Jess Zimmerman <jesskz at ites.upr.edu> wrote:

> Hi Marty,
> We are having our site review the last week in March of 2017 and will be
> preparing a proposal for March of 2018.  I'll discuss it with our
> Management Committee at tomorrow's meeting, but we may decline.  I'll let
> you know after we discuss it.
> jess
> Jess K. Zimmerman
> Professor
> Lead PI, Luquillo LTER Program
> Director, El Verde Field Station
> Department Environmental Sciences
> University of Puerto Rico - Rio Piedras
> Rio Piedras, Puerto Rico
> Tel: 787-764-0000 ext. 1-XXXX-# where XXXX is:
>    LTER Program Office: 88233
>    El Verde Field Station: 83467
> Mobile: 787-380-3311
> On Wed, Sep 7, 2016 at 11:09 AM, Marty Downs <downs at nceas.ucsb.edu> wrote:
>> Hi Jess-
>> Did I talk to you about the 2017 science council meeting -- or only
>> imagine that I did?
>> We had planned on Coweeta, but they're no longer interested for obvious
>> reasons. NTL would be next in line, but they are hosting a review.
>> LUQ has not hosted since 1999. Do you think you'd be up for it?
>> Typically, the meeting is in mid-late May (17-19 this year).
>> Of course, you'll have to consult the team, but let me know your
>> consensus as soon as you can. It would be good to get this nailed down and
>> start planning.
>> Thanks,
>> Marty
>> -----
>> Marty Downs
>> Communications Lead
>> LTER Network Communications Office (LTER NCO)
>> t: @USLTER
>> f: USLTER
>> National Center for Ecological Analysis and Synthesis (NCEAS)
>> University of California, Santa Barbara
>> Office: 805-893-7549
>> Cell: 617-833-7930
>> downs at nceas.ucsb.edu
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