[LTER-im] VWC Followup and IMC Resources

Renee F. Brown rfbrown at unm.edu
Thu Sep 17 10:01:08 PDT 2020

Greetings IMC,

Thanks to everyone who was able to attend and participate in Monday’s call regarding potential (bulk) updates to data access and use policies (based on the document linked here<https://docs.google.com/document/d/18wGr5nggiP8llJE0XzonC0dyrx9TjSq1xLwFYgZWKDs/edit?usp=sharing>). I had heard from a few of you that you would not be able to make the meeting, so I’m sharing the link to the Google Drive folder<https://drive.google.com/drive/folders/11EELowsqTqMPssj5N17G4EKb1CGMuoZt?usp=sharing> that contains the recording, notes, and chat from Monday’s discussion.

In the IM Exec meeting yesterday afternoon, we discussed a followup plan to create a data use and access policy guidelines document outlining the implications, pros, and cons of the various CC and ODC licensing schemes. One goal of this document is to provide a resource for IMs to encourage productive conversations with their site leadership on revision of outdated data access policies at the site level. While the 2017 LTER Science Council recommendation was CC-BY, several LTER sites are still submitting data with outdated, and generally more restrictive data access & use policies. Furthermore, many older, non-ongoing datasets never get updated, thus the additional motivation for discussing the potential of bulk updates with EDI. However, we recognize that we cannot begin the discussion of bulk updates if there is still a lack of clarity surrounding data licensing. Furthermore, EDI is considering switching their default policy from CC-0 to an ODC license, which may provoke a new discussion with LTER EB on data use and access policies across the LTER Network.

A sub-committee has been formed and has already made substantial progress on this document. Once the sub-committed has completed their work, the document will be opened to all members of IMC for comment. If there is consensus within the IMC on recommending a change to current data use policies, it will be sent up to LTER EB for broader consideration. For now, we have tabled the discussion of EDI bulk updates, but hope we can revisit this sometime next year.

On another note, we understand there is frustration concerning the digital landscape of the IMC. Members are finding it difficult to identify where they should look for resources (Google Drive, Github, LNO Website, EDI Website). LNO has settled on a community platform that aims to solve some of this frustration and EDI is working on a new website. In the meantime, IM Exec (thanks to Suzanne’s leadership) has consolidated multiple Google Drives and folders into a single IMC Google Drive called “LTER-committee-information-management,” listed under your “Shared drives.” We encourage you to check it out.

Thanks, and as always, if you have any questions or concerns relating to anything LTER IM, please don’t hesitate to reach out to any or all of us at IM Exec<https://docs.google.com/document/d/1L4x00dnMZNquFUuQRpGgpJr6pAHpOPk_qf-6CpGhB9k/edit?usp=sharing>.


Renée F. Brown, M.S. (she/her)
Information Manager, McMurdo Dry Valleys LTER
University of New Mexico Department of Biology
Albuquerque, NM 87131 USA
rfbrown at unm.edu<mailto:rfbrown at unm.edu>


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