[LTER-im] IMC Water Cooler Monday January 14, 2019 (12 pm PDT / 3 pm EDT)

Jason Downing jpdowning at alaska.edu
Wed Jan 9 11:54:12 PST 2019

Happy New Year!

The IMC will kick off the first water cooler of the year next Monday with a
discussion of the LTER 40-year review and and the IM self-study component.
Here is the connection and initial topic information:

*Date:*     Monday, January 14th at 12 pm PDT / 3 pm EDT

*Connection:*       https://ucsb.zoom.us/j/419931872

The current thinking is a two-page whitepaper highlighting how great IM is
at the NETWORK level.  The NSF review will focus on: (1) why do we need
long-term, and (2) why do we need a network? The IMC, almost more than any
other, can address these topics.  Focus of the decadal review is progress
in the last 10 years (2008-2018) and the IMC has several key
accomplishments. Bob Waide is also editing a book about LTER, with Susan
Stafford writing the IM section, and we want to be involved in this process.

Initial discussion generated a list of some cross-site products ans a few
concepts to be highlighted in the paper:



    GCE Toolbox


    Unit Registry



    EDI/data center

What are the concepts we should plan to emphasize:

    How was the network connected to development of product?

    What is the network use of the product?

    What is the use outside of the LTER of the product?

I hope everyone had a joyous holiday season and we look forward to meeting
next week.



Jason Downing
Bonanza Creek LTER Information Manager
Institute of Arctic Biology
University of Alaska Fairbanks

jpdowning at alaska.edu
907.474.6364 (Office)
907.474.6251 (Fax)
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