[LTER-im] Information Manager Position Job Announcement: Sevilleta LTER

Jennifer Anne Rudgers jrudgers at unm.edu
Thu Aug 17 09:29:21 PDT 2017

Dear Colleagues,

I am hoping you can help distribute this new job posting to possible candidates.
The Sevilleta (SEV) Long-Term Ecological Research Program seeks an Information Manager to bridge scientific research and information technology in the management of data from a large, long-term research program focused on dryland ecosystems at the Sevilleta National Wildlife Refuge near Socorro, New Mexico. The program spans research in ecology, evolution, ecohydrology, climate science, plant and animal physiology, biogeochemistry, microbiology, and geography. The SEV LTER has been funded by the U.S. National Science Foundation since 1988.
 The Information Manager will be responsible for the integrity of the database and accessibility of the data for LTER researchers, collaborators in national and international networks, and the public at large. The position also involves training scientists in use of the information management system. The Information Manager will contribute to building strengths in scientific research, data analysis and visualization, education, and research syntheses across sites within the US LTER network. To these ends, the position requires regular interactions with SEV LTER investigators, students, and staff as well as coordination with the US Fish and Wildlife Service at the Sevilleta National Wildlife Refuge and with researchers and information managers in the national LTER network.

Position Qualifications and Further Details can be found here:

Many thanks,


Dr. Jennifer A. Rudgers
Professor of Biology
University of New Mexico

jrudgers at unm.edu<mailto:jrudgers at unm.edu>
ph. (505) 277-6185

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