[LTER-im] Partial funding for LTER-IM meeting at ESIP

Marty Downs downs at nceas.ucsb.edu
Fri Apr 7 12:20:54 PDT 2017

*LTER Information Managers, *

The LTER Information Managers are planning to hold their 2017 meeting at
the Earth Science Information Partners
meeting in Bloomington Indiana. EDI is providing partial funding to several
participants. The NCO would like to encourage attendance by IMs from
additional sites and is able to offer partial funding.

*Who is eligible:*
One information manager per site, for sites not already funded by EDI.

*What the NCO covers:*
The NCO will cover advance-booked airfare (through Santa Barbara travel)
and early registration (before June 30) for ESIP meeting.

*What the LTER site covers:*
Food, lodging, ground transportation and miscellaneous.

*How to proceed: *
If your PI has already responded to Frank's earlier request, we have your
information. These include: NES, BNZ, MCM, CAP, SBC, JRN.  If you are not
on this list and are not already funded by EDI, please have a conversation
with your PI about co-funding and respond to this email by *April 21,*
expressing your interest in attending. We will respond with confirmation of
funding by *April 28*.

Approved travelers will need to contact Santa Barbara Travel to make
airline reservations by *June 9*, to assure the best rates.

*Key dates: *
April 10, 2017: ESIP Session proposals due
April 21, 2017: NCO funding requests due
April 28, 2017: NCO confirmation of travel eligibility.
June 9, 2017: Deadline for making airline reservations
June 30, 2017: ESIP early registration due

Although the 2017 meeting agenda is not yet set, past meetings
<http://meetings.esipfed.org/summer-meeting-2016> have offered a wealth of
workshops, relevant conference sessions, and networking opportunities.  We
expect that the 2017 meeting will provide many opportunities for
professional development and broad engagement as well as community-building
and information-sharing among LTER information managers.

If you are interested in taking advantage of this opportunity, please
e-mail Marty Downs (downs at nceas.ucsb.edu) by April 21.


Marty Downs
Deputy Director/Communications
LTER Network Communications Office (LTER NCO)
LTER Science Update

National Center for Ecological Analysis and Synthesis (NCEAS)
University of California, Santa Barbara
Office: 805-893-7549 <(805)%20893-7549>
Cell: 617-833-7930 <(617)%20833-7930>
downs at nceas.ucsb.edu
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