[LTER-im] Drupal 6 funeral and the IM site.

Inigo San Gil isangil at lternet.edu
Fri Jun 3 08:37:54 MDT 2016


Drupal 6 (D6) End of support came in the early spring of 2016. A couple 
of weeks ago, we attended a proper funeral, New Orleans style. Very 
emotional event, as you can imagine.

I thought I would offer to move the IM site to a supported platform 
(hint: the IM site runs on D6), perhaps clean it up a bit, and make it 
mobile friendly.  Not a lot of work, but it is not for the faint of 
heart, as the site hosts over 1,000 nodes, which to you it means at 
least 1,000 pages of content. With the combinations and relationships, 
it makes up a wealth of information.

The information is now at some risk, when the next critical 
vulnerability hits, we would probably scramble for a fix. Or not, but it 
wont be as easy as it is with a supported product.  That is why I 
offered to update the site.

James Brunt offered an out-of-date snapshot of the database, but it 
would be really better to hit the production database, so content can be 
migrated once and again -- there is no need for downtimes, no 
operational disruptions.  Except, that is, the lack of responsiveness.

For this I need the cooperation of the new hosts, the NCEAS.  We sent 
them an email over 10 days ago.  I sent them a reminder 8 days ago.

All I need is ONE of two SIMPLE things:
-- Either shell access to the server hosting the IM site
-- 2 files: a mysqldump file of the back end database, and the "files" 
directory of that site.

I got one answer that asked me to wait (???) for a meeting last week.

It has been over two weeks since my initial offer.  If this is going to 
be the MO of the NCEAS, I would suggest we host the IM site ourselves 
(whether in our servers, or in a cloud instance). Same fate with 
Databits.  If we insist on having NCEAS providing this sort of service, 
you can help by reminding NCEAS about turnaround times and service 
expectations, specially for simple things that entail 5 mins of their time.



Inigo San Gil

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