[LTER-hbr_grad] Hubbard Brook Graduate Student Data Survey

Mary Martin mary.martin at unh.edu
Mon May 20 06:02:40 PDT 2019

Hubbard Brook Grads,

If you have not responded to this brief survey about your data 
collection and use of longterm data from
Hubbard Brook, please take a moment to do so.  There are only a few 
question questions, and this information
will be helpful to the HB community in general as we prepare for our 
upcoming NSF review. If your name is on the
list below, thank you for your earlier response!

Thank you,


Mary Martin
Hubbard Brook Information Manager
Earth Systems Research Center
Morse Hall, Univ of NH
Durham, NH 03824
Voice:  603 862 4508
Email: mary.martin at unh.edu

12/19/18, 11:21 AM
Hubbard Brook Grads,

Although HB is famous for collecting, preserving, and sharing some very 
important long-term datasets, there are numerous
other data collected at HB that are just as important. Many of these 
smaller and shorter term datasets are collected by
graduate students, and with your help, I would like to update our 
inventory of these data, and work with you to make sure
that these data are preserved and cataloged.

Both funding agencies and publishers are ramping up requirements for 
publication of datasets
in nationally recognized repositories. Within the LTER network, each 
site has an Information Manager, who helps
researchers with this process. At Hubbard Brook, that's me! I've created 
a survey form where you can tell me
a bit about the data you are collecting, and I will follow up with you 
individually to discuss where I can be of help to you.


The Environmental Data Initiative (EDI) is the primary data repository 
for LTER sites. They have some great resources that cover best practices 
for managing and publishing your data: 
I think you may find some helpful information there.

Feel free to contact me anytime if you need advice on data management.

I'm looking forward to working with you!


*First Name* 	*Last Name*
Alexander 	Young
Ashley 	Lang
Gretchen 	Dillon
Habibollah 	Fakhraei
Jamie 	Harrison
Laura 	Markley
Liz 	Kreitinger
Maddy 	Cochrane
Mahnaz 	Valipour

Micah 	Wiesner
Nicholas 	LoRUsso
Shiyi 	Li
Stephanie 	Duston
Stephanie 	Juice

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