[LTER-hbr_grad] Fwd: [HubbardBrook] 2017 HBES cooperator meeting registration is now open
Mary Martin
mary.martin at unh.edu
Wed May 10 07:05:55 PDT 2017
From: Bailey, Scott -FS <swbailey at fs.fed.us>
Dear Friends of Hubbard Brook:
I don't know how many people I have heard say that the cooperators'
meeting is one of their favorite events all year. So it gives me great
pleasure to announce that registration is now open for the 2017 Annual
Cooperators’ Meeting, to be held at Hubbard Brook on July 12-13. Meeting
information and the on-line registration form are accessible from the
main page of the Hubbard Brook website, or directly at:
Deadline for registration is *June 2 for presentations* and June 30 to
attend the meeting without making a presentation. We expect to post the
presentation schedule a month before the meeting. So _the deadline for
registering a presentation is quite firm_.
We will continue to offer the options of 5 and 10 minute time slots (3
or 8 minute presentation with 2 minutes for questions). Presentations in
5 or 10 minute slots are for in-progress (data to report) or completed
studies only. Please be aware that because we avoid concurrent sessions
and limit the duration of the meeting, it may be impossible to
accommodate all interested speakers. Hence, the SCC discourages
presentations that are based on studies being done at other places with
no clearly-stated relationship to the Hubbard Brook Ecosystem Study.
Back by popular demand, we are again offering a third presentation
option for 2 minute, 1 slide only, pico or “lightning” talks. Pico talks
may highlight a research result or contain announcements. Announcements
of proposals or new research (no results yet) will only be accepted as
pico talks. But please note a pico talk is not intended for lightning
delivery of a research project. Pico talks are strictly limited to one
slide with no clicks or animation to pack in more content. For those
interested in suggestions for a successful pico talk (or if you'd like
to push the concept to the limit and consider a Femto talk) see the
reaction to an EGU pico session at
Further presentation guidelines and registration information are on the
website. Please feel free to forward this announcement. See you in July
if not sooner!
- Scott
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