[LTER-hbr_grad] FW: Hubbard Brook COS Meeting: July 15, 2016 (Please RSVP by July 8)

Sanders-Demott, Rebecca rsdemott at bu.edu
Wed Jun 29 04:56:06 MDT 2016

Hello -

Please see the attached agenda and information below regarding the Hubbard Brook COS meeting on July 15.  Thanks so much to those of you participating in the research tours!

All are encouraged to attend what should be a very interesting and exciting day in the field!

Please RSVP via the link below.  I hope to see you there!


From: Templer, Pamela H
Sent: Tuesday, June 28, 2016 1:02 PM
To: HubbardBrook at lists.sr.unh.edu
Cc: Sanders-Demott, Rebecca; John Battles
Subject: Hubbard Brook COS Meeting: July 15, 2016 (Please RSVP by July 8)

Dear Hubbard Brook Community,

Please find attached the agenda for the upcoming July 15 COS meeting. The overall theme of the meeting is " Views from the field:  New researchers and novel insights at Hubbard Brook" and is organized by Rebecca Sanders-DeMott, our graduate student representative for Hubbard Brook.

This COS meeting will include a 45 minute business meeting at the Headquarters Building, following by an exciting series of short presentations by a variety of researchers in the field. We will arrange carpools once we have a final count for the day.

Please bring your own lunch. We will eat in the field.

Please use the link below to RSVP for the July 15, 2016 COS meeting and please respond by Friday, July 8, 2016.

We hope you can make it!

Pam Templer and John Battles
SCC Co-Chairs

Pamela Templer, PhD
Associate Professor of Biology
Director, PhD Program in Biogeoscience

Boston University
Boston, MA 02215
5 Cummington Mall
Phone 617-353-6978

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