[LTER-hbr_grad] RESPOND BY THURS, JUNE 23 - Hubbard Brook Field Trip! Volunteer to give tour of your site to HBEF COS on July 15
Sanders-Demott, Rebecca
rsdemott at bu.edu
Tue Jun 21 07:56:10 MDT 2016
Hi All -
Just a quick reminder to please let me know if you are interested in volunteering to talk about your research at your field sampling locations as part of the Hubbard Brook COS meeting on July 15.
We are currently in need of additional volunteers. It would be great to have a strong showing of graduate student interest in the COS, and is an excellent way to showcase your work.
I know that many people plan for the Friday following the annual meeting to be a field work day. If that's the case, you can still participate, we may be able to work a COS visit into your schedule!
Please see below for more details and send the following info by this Thursday, June 23:
1. Name
2. Institution
3. Brief project title
4. Where is you site located?
5. How far from headquarters (estimate both miles and time walking)?
6. Short summary (100 word max) of the work you'll be presenting.
From: Sanders-Demott, Rebecca
Sent: Thursday, June 16, 2016 11:40 AM
To: 'hbr_grad at lternet.edu'
Cc: 'Mary Martin'; 'arp264 at cornell.edu'
Subject: RE: Hubbard Brook Field Trip! Volunteer to give tour of your site to HBEF COS on July 15
Hi All -
The deadline to volunteer to give a tour of your research site as part of the HBEF COS meeting on July 15 has been extended to June 23.
The COS meeting will consist of grad student guided tours around the HBEF and we welcome you to volunteer to lead a tour of your research site! This opportunity is open to all graduate students working at HBEF.
By volunteering to lead a tour of your site you'll have the opportunity to:
* Share your research site with the HBEF COS
* Discuss new ideas and get feedback from senior scientists
* Expand the discussion of your research beyond your formal presentation
* Get feedback on sampling, experimental design, etc for new and ongoing projects
* Interact and network with PIs from other institutions in an informal and fun setting
If you are interested in volunteering as a tour guide for the COS meeting on July 15, please email me the following information by Thursday, June 23:
1. Name
2. Institution
3. Brief project title
4. Where is you site located?
5. How far from headquarters (estimate both miles and time walking)?
6. Short summary (100 word max) of the work you'll be presenting.
We'll use this information to assemble a tour schedule that is feasible based on site locations and travel time. Please let me know if you have any questions. Thanks and have a great weekend!
From: Sanders-Demott, Rebecca
Sent: Wednesday, June 1, 2016 9:22 AM
To: 'hbr_grad at lternet.edu'
Cc: 'Mary Martin'; Templer, Pamela H
Subject: RE: Hubbard Brook Field Trip! Volunteer to give tour of your site to HBEF COS on July 15
Hi All -
Just a quick reminder that today is the deadline for HBEF Annual Meeting Abstracts and that we are soliciting volunteers to give a tour to the COS on July 15. The COS is very enthusiastic to learn about grad student projects in the field. This is a chance to interact with the broad group of scientists in the COS and get great feedback on and attention to your research! More info below.
Please let me know if you have any questions.
From: Sanders-Demott, Rebecca
Sent: Friday, May 27, 2016 6:09 PM
To: hbr_grad at lternet.edu<mailto:hbr_grad at lternet.edu>
Cc: 'Mary Martin'; Templer, Pamela H
Subject: Hubbard Brook Field Trip! Volunteer to give tour of your site to HBEF COS on July 15
Hi All -
As you know, the registration deadline for talks at the Hubbard Brook Annual Meeting (July 13-14<http://hubbardbrook.org/events/coop_meetings/register/>) is coming up on Wednesday, June 1. In addition the regular meeting, this year you have an additional opportunity to share your work at the HBEF Committee of Scientists (COS) on July 15.
The COS meeting will consist of grad student guided tours around the HBEF and we welcome you to volunteer to lead a tour of your research site!
By volunteering to lead a tour of your site you'll have the opportunity to:
* Share your research site with the HBEF COS
* Discuss new ideas and get feedback from senior scientists
* Expand the discussion of your research beyond your formal presentation
* Get feedback on sampling, experimental design, etc for new and ongoing projects
* Interact and network with PIs from other institutions in an informal and fun setting
If you are interested in volunteering as a tour guide for the COS meeting on July 15, please email me the following information by Friday, June 15:
1. Name
2. Institution
3. Brief project title
4. Where is you site located?
5. How far from headquarters (estimate both miles and time walking)?
6. Short summary (100 word max) of the work you'll be presenting.
We'll use this information to assemble a tour schedule that is feasible based on site locations and travel time. Please let me know if you have any questions. Thanks and have a great weekend!
Rebecca Sanders-DeMott
PhD Candidate
Templer Lab
Boston University
5 Cummington Street
Boston, MA 02215
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