[LTER-hbr_grad] FW: Hubbard Brook SCC Meeting Notes & COS Meeting Schedule

Sanders-Demott, Rebecca rsdemott at bu.edu
Mon Apr 18 13:55:35 MDT 2016

Hi All -

Please see the minutes below from the HBEF COS Meeting earlier this month.  Note that the next COS meeting, directly following the Annual Meeting in July, will be focused on graduate student research.  The plan is for members of the COS to visit grad student research sites at HBEF and to give COS members the chance to get out in the field and learn about what we are all working on.

I'll be sending out an invitation for all who are interested in participating. Please look out for details!


From: Templer, Pamela H
Sent: Monday, April 18, 2016 3:01 PM
To: 'HubbardBrookCOS at lists.sr.unh.edu'
Cc: 'Ivan Fernandez'; Sanders-Demott, Rebecca
Subject: Hubbard Brook SCC Meeting Notes & COS Meeting Schedule

Dear Hubbard Brook Colleagues,

We've included below the minutes from the last SCC meeting held on April 6, 2016. The schedule for the next three COS meetings are included at the bottom of this message.

All the best,

Pam Templer and John Battles
SCC Co-Chairs

April 6, 2016
Scientific Coordinating Committee Meeting Notes
Attending: John Battles (phone), Pam Templer, Lynn Christenson, John Campbell, David Sleeper (phone), Lindsey Rustad (ex-officio), Gary Lovett

Vote on new COS members
We voted unanimously to include Dana Warren as a member of the Committee of Scientists.  Dana worked at Hubbard Brook while he was a graduate student at Cornell.  He is currently an Assistant Professor at Oregon State University with expertise in aquatic ecology, ecosystem ecology, invertebrate ecology, biogeochemistry, and stream restoration. He is excited about reengaging with the Hubbard Brook community and pursuing his research at the site.

Election for new SCC members
John Campbell and John Battles organized the last election in March using Survey Monkey for the first time. The SCC agreed that the anonymous process went well and will use this method in the future.

Update on new Executive Director search at HBRF
The search committee and rest of the Board of Trustees are actively working on this search.

General planning of future COS meetings
In the future, the SCC Chairs will handle communications with the COS. Meeting organizers will send drafts of the schedule to the SCC Chairs and work together on finalizing the next COS meeting. Final agendas are still expected to be distributed to the COS at least 4 weeks before each meeting.

Keynote Address:
It has been challenging to schedule 'big names' for a HBRF keynote in July in a rural area. We discussed that the goal of this keynote address is to engage the Hubbard Brook community and therefore "internal scientists" will be considered for future talks.

SCC Chairs
The SCC voted unanimously to have Pam Templer and John Battles continue as Co-Chairs of the SCC for the next year.

External Advisor
The SCC voted unanimously to approve Ivan Fernandez' 3-year appointment. His term begins in July 2016 and will continue through the April 2019 COS meeting.

Yale School of Forestry
Lindsey Rustad visited Yale and spoke to students and faculty to encourage them to work at Hubbard Brook.

Upcoming COS meetings:
July 15, 2016 @ HBEF: Graduate student presentations at field sites (led by Rebecca Sanders-DeMott)
Note: Annual Cooperator's Meeting is July 13-14, 2016

October 11, 2016 @ Cary Institute: Resilience (led by John Battles)

January 3-4, 2017 @ Cary Institute: Synthesis (led by Gary Lovett)

Pamela Templer, PhD
Associate Professor of Biology
Director, PhD Program in Biogeoscience

Boston University
Boston, MA 02215
5 Cummington Mall
Phone 617-353-6978

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