[LTER-hbr_grad] FW: Hubbard Brook Committee of Scientists Meeting - July 10, 2015

Sanders-Demott, Rebecca rsdemott at bu.edu
Mon Jun 22 09:07:56 MDT 2015

From: Templer, Pamela H
Sent: Monday, June 22, 2015 8:47 AM
To: 'HubbardBrookCOS at lists.sr.unh.edu'
Subject: Hubbard Brook Committee of Scientists Meeting - July 10, 2015

Dear Hubbard Brook Committee of Scientists,

Please find below the draft agenda for the COS meeting at Hubbard Brook on Friday, July 10th.

Please invite your students and postdocs to join us. They are more than welcome!

All the best,

Pam Templer and John Battles
SCC Co-Chairs

Pamela Templer, PhD
Associate Professor of Biology
Director, PhD Program in Biogeosciences

Boston University
Boston, MA 02215
5 Cummington Mall
Phone 617-353-6978

Hubbard Brook Committee of Scientists Meeting
Friday, July 10, 2015
Robert S. Pierce Laboratory, Hubbard Brook

Synthesis and integration: Modeling and prediction
and advanced analytical techniques


8:30                                        Gather and schmooze

9:00                                        Peter Groffman  -  Evolving expectations from NSF for conceptual, quantitative and predictive models

9:30                                        John Battles - Forests of the Future

10:00                                     Andrew Richardson - Phenology and carbon balance:  Integrating modeling, analysis, and field measurements

10:30                                     Charley Driscoll - Using PNET-BGC to address long-term biogeochemical questions

11:00                                     Mike Hallworth -   Modeling valley-wide bird data: Spatial and temporal patterns as well as linking demography to underlying environmental drivers

11:30                                     Christine Goodale - NCAR / CLM type modeling to provide regional perspective for long-term Hubbard Brook reserach

12:00                                     Lunch

1:00                                        Ruth Yanai - Modeling multiple element interactions

1:30                                        Gary Lovett/Kathy Crowley - Modeling tree species change effects on biogeochemistry

2:00                                        Afshin Pourmokhtarian - Modeling climate change effects on forests

2:30                                        General Discussion - Synthesis, integration, modeling and prediction at Hubbard Brook

3:30                                        COS Business

4:00                                        Adjourn

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