[LTER-grad-rep] LTER grad reps - Scheduling a call for August

Siddharth Iyengar iyeng029 at umn.edu
Thu Aug 16 13:48:25 PDT 2018

Hi Folks!
Please fill out this poll - http://whenisgood.net/p8je98h - to indicate
your availability for a 1 hour Zoom call in August, so that we can further
our planning for the ASM.

You can see our planning google doc
for what we came up with during our last call. Please try to make sure that
all students at your sites are correctly on the LTER students mailing list
(through your site information managers)

Before we meet, I'll send you the survey data from each of your sites, so
that you can use it to get an idea of who is coming, and what their
interests are.

Look forward to chatting with all of you!


Siddharth Bharath Iyengar,
Graduate Student; Ecology, Evolution and Behaviour,
Fellow, Interdisciplinary Center for the Study of Global Change,
University of Minnesota, Twin Cities
Office: 509 Ecology Building, 1987 Upper Buford Circle, St. Paul, MN 55108
iyeng029 at umn.edu
Calendar availability for scheduling - z.umn.edu/iyeng029calendar
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