[LTER-education] December Meeting Reminder-TODAY
Baird, Cora Ann Johnston (caj2dr)
coraj at virginia.edu
Thu Dec 2 13:12:37 PST 2021
Steve asked me to share the Fundamentals of Learning for Science Mentors short course. I thought I'd share it with the list in case it is of interest to others (or sparks cross-pollination with the undergrad discussion group). Below is a basic course description, plus an overview of modules (which I've annotated with the education principles in each). If anyone is interested in the details of activities, assignments, readings, etc, let me know; I'll try to figure out how to share the full course site with you.
We already do this virtually, so the content should be easy to share.
Let me know if you see an opportunity to collaborate or to repurpose the content for your site.
The course will help you better understand your own scientific process, the essentials of how people learn, and how you can combine the two in order to better support your students and mentees.
An upcoming short course invites you to become a better mentor by considering how we use scientific practices to reach scientific understanding and how we can support others to do the same. In this short course, you will evaluate your own scientific practices and begin to connect them with evidence-based practices in teaching and learning. Set your own daily schedule as you work through six modules - assigned each Saturday with your contributions due by Wednesday and Friday weekly - that include readings, demonstrations, opportunities for practice, and discussion with peers and instructors. The course will provide guidance for examining your own scientific process, an introduction to how people learn via science, and a set of tools and practices to enhance your effectiveness as a science mentor and instructor.
What: A 6-week short course on Fundamentals of Learning for Science Mentors, (workload is ~5 hrs per week)
For whom: Graduate students and post-docs/early career researchers in science, especially those mentoring teachers or undergraduates through RET or REU programs
How: Online through Canvas + Zoom + FlipGrid via UVA with weekly independent work, online discussion and collaboration, and regular access to instructors
When: January - February (dates vary by year)
Details: No University registration or tuition is required for this training, but you must sign up January 6th. Upon completing all six course modules, you will receive a certificate acknowledging your participation.
This course is taught by Dr. Cora Baird of EVSC/VCR LTER and was co-designed with Dr. Sarah Fick of Washington State University (previously of UVA School of Education).
Overview of the course Modules
Week 1: Science as Taught and Science as We Do It --> diagraming and discussing their own science process (not the linear pattern of scientific method)
Week 2: Evidence-based Approaches to Science Learning --> the need to engage prior knowledge and provide relevant experiences in order to support learning
Week 3: Helping Your Mentee Visualize Their Goals --> discussing and setting goals (backwards design)
Weeks 4&5: Facilitating Changes in Thinking (2 approaches) --> ZPD, scaffolding, and talking for learning
Week 6: Synthesize and Plan --> develop a mentorship plan that translates some of what they learned into an action steps for the field/mentorship season (and meet with Center for Teaching Excellence to learn about options for ongoing support in teaching and mentoring)
Cora A. (Johnston) Baird, PhD
Site Director
E coraj at virginia.edu
P 757.620.7016
University of Virginia
Virginia Coast Reserve LTER
Anheuser-Busch Coastal Research Center
6364 Cliffs Road
Cape Charles, VA 23310
ABCRC: https://www.abcrc.virginia.edu/siteman2/<https://www.abcrc.virginia.edu/siteman2/><https://www.abcrc.virginia.edu/siteman2/>
LTER: www.vcrlter.virginia.edu/home2/<https://www.vcrlter.virginia.edu/home2/>
"Science is the process that takes us from confusion to understanding in a manner that's precise, predictive and reliable - a transformation, for those lucky enough to experience it, that is empowering and emotional. We must embark on a cultural shift that places science in its rightful place...as an indispensable part of what makes life worth living." -B. Greene
[University of Virginia]<http://www.virginia.edu/>
A glimpse of life at our station, where we strive to fully support both our scientists' identities and research projects: https://youtu.be/YFtLr8W4JUs
From: education <education-bounces at lists.lternet.edu> on behalf of Scott Simon <scott.simon at ucsb.edu>
Sent: Thursday, December 2, 2021 1:40 PM
To: education at lternet.edu <education at lternet.edu>
Subject: [LTER-education] December Meeting Reminder-TODAY
Good Morning EOC!!!
We hope everyone is doing well as we race to the end of a CRAZY quarter, the holiday season and a brand new year!
We look forward to seeing you all in just a bit.
We're looking forward to hearing from Cari Paulenich on the California Current Ecosystem (CCE), and Kim Eichhorst on Sevilleta (SEV).
Please check out the notes and agenda and include any items you have.
2021 Running Meeting Notes_LTER Education and Outreach Committee (EOC)<https://docs.google.com/document/d/1ibVg4NxXWgzZazfRUDX0AM8cc3UVgv_PZ0kre9irOx4/edit>
LTER Education Committee Conference Call
First Thursday of the Month
3:00-4:00 pm EST
Our ZOOM link is: <https://urldefense.com/v3/__https:/ucsb.zoom.us/j/520501234__;!!HXCxUKc!kTRh2ap2jh3MUCsaEkg-WDAUrsaqYWQWEhWL6wl462PNd2K4kE4BRFL7bIImnVpZHg$> https://ucsb.zoom.us/j/92461233272 (updated during June meeting)
If you need to check in via telephone the number is:
+13126266799,,92461233272# (one click for cell phone)
+1 646 876 9923 (US Toll) or +1 312 626 6799 (US Toll), Meeting ID: 924 6123 3272
The Google Team Drive link is: https://drive.google.com/drive/u/1/folders/0AHiFZma83lhlUk9PVA<https://urldefense.com/v3/__https:/drive.google.com/drive/u/1/folders/0AHiFZma83lhlUk9PVA__;!!HXCxUKc!kTRh2ap2jh3MUCsaEkg-WDAUrsaqYWQWEhWL6wl462PNd2K4kE4BRFL7bIJouiK6FQ$>
Scott E. Simon
MSI Education & Outreach Program Manager
SBC-LTER Education Outreach Representative
Marine Science Institute-UCSB
Santa Barbara, CA
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