[LTER-education] I need your help, TODAY for Exec Board discussion

Snow, Pamela M. psnow at fas.harvard.edu
Fri Jul 10 10:34:08 PDT 2020


Thanks for your work in gathering info from each site to best represent us…

FYI, Clarisse is having significant health challenges currently. I did my best to accurately convey funding for each area…

FYI, in general, Harvard Forest has a science staff that has been very outwardly oriented...which is a pleasure to be a part of…I feel our outreach has been strong in EVERY area mentioned…and it challenging to rate one vs. another… I rated Schoolyard the lowest in scientist interest but we have a few who place it higher than all the others and have been VERY ACTIVELY ENGAGED for over 16 years!!! So again, we are very fortunate!  Our former lead LTER PI, David Foster has been more oriented to public and policy outreach…I can’t tell yet where our current lead on that, Jonathan Thompson, is on that spectrum except that his own research is very public and policy oriented…he was hired by David and groomed for LTER leadership.  Jonathan is however more directly engaged in Schoolyard Eco than David was…  Also to confuse matters more, we have a new Interim Director of HF, who just “took over” leadership of Harvard Forest this month…and relatively new Dean of our Dept at Harvard University…so much is up in the air right now.

More general notes… PIs who were not engaged directly in K-12 Schoolyard outreach are much more likely to be interested in participating in Data Nugget mentoring than in our field projects.  This has been a way of attracting more involvement of PIs in Schoolyard…I recommend this as a course for other sites.  We have built Data Nugget development into RET proposals which has worked well.  PI’s like to have a “broader Impacts” product to point to in NSF proposals/reports…this is a carrot..esp. now that DN is doing web analytics that show 92K users on their site…Data Nuggets are also effective for me in reaching teachers/students who do not want to invest time into field studies or field trips…but want a concrete learning activity using dat and stories that are authentic, relevant, timely….

I hope the meeting goes well!


From: education <education-bounces at lists.lternet.edu> On Behalf Of Annette Brickley
Sent: Friday, July 10, 2020 11:42 AM
To: education at lternet.edu
Subject: Re: [LTER-education] I need your help, TODAY for Exec Board discussion

Hey Team-
I need your input and I need it quickly.  Link to a questionnaire to help me know how to present your ideas for discussion with the Executive Committee on Tuesday (next), July 12.
Completing it TODAY would be greatly appreciated.
[Image removed by sender.] EOC questions to the Science Council/Executive ...<https://urldefense.proofpoint.com/v2/url?u=https-3A__docs.google.com_forms_d_1CD-2Dj-2D17rg6uK0BbxniMNrNrCFscIWAitMbNOqr2WC5w_edit-3Fusp-3Ddrive-5Fweb&d=DwMFaQ&c=WO-RGvefibhHBZq3fL85hQ&r=koKNYb_DzoohoQ8VqGBhPnHBNvavCg9xkO2gMNRLoOs&m=kkAuICddxHLcTWarNqbzbwUwV1_2kmkLXBn-Ny_ClWU&s=gIwHSXlPOj1NNeiD1NVzLeJL3F1M1ao1V3qS92B3ktE&e=>[Image removed by sender.]

Annette Laursen Brickley (she, her, hers)
NES-LTER<https://urldefense.proofpoint.com/v2/url?u=http-3A__nes-2Dlter.whoi.edu&d=DwMFaQ&c=WO-RGvefibhHBZq3fL85hQ&r=koKNYb_DzoohoQ8VqGBhPnHBNvavCg9xkO2gMNRLoOs&m=kkAuICddxHLcTWarNqbzbwUwV1_2kmkLXBn-Ny_ClWU&s=hwuCIe41gsbmUz6zOS6MbDWMjOFyowMnD1zCCi6oPdo&e=> Education & Outreach Coord.
TEMming the Gaps Consulting
, MA
207-951-6273 (mobile)
Making data sing so everyone can dance and tell the stories. NES-LTER Data Jam<https://urldefense.proofpoint.com/v2/url?u=https-3A__sites.google.com_view_nes-2Dlter-2Dschoolyard-2Ddatajam&d=DwMFaQ&c=WO-RGvefibhHBZq3fL85hQ&r=koKNYb_DzoohoQ8VqGBhPnHBNvavCg9xkO2gMNRLoOs&m=kkAuICddxHLcTWarNqbzbwUwV1_2kmkLXBn-Ny_ClWU&s=BtWfu2QrUikAAZHm4_7LAuDSTV4moUz10p4Optb5WDA&e=>
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