[LTER-education] Thanks all

Marty Downs downs at nceas.ucsb.edu
Thu Apr 2 13:22:16 PDT 2020

Hi Ed/Outreach folks,
What a great call. So much happening!

The chat from today's call is attached. A link to the new remote learning
resources page on LTER net is here:
https://lternet.edu/k-12-education/remote-learning-resources/ definitely
looking for more (relevant to both teachers and parents) -- and we can
promote via SERC/NAGT/ESA etc.

If you have your remote resources combined on a single page and can
describe it briefly, that's helpful.
Cheers, Marty

Marty Downs (she/her/hers)
Director, LTER Network Office


National Center for Ecological Analysis and Synthesis (NCEAS)
University of California, Santa Barbara
Office: 805-893-7549
Cell: 617-833-7930
downs at nceas.ucsb.edu
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12:02:04	 From Marty Downs : I need to go, but recording is started.
12:02:10	 From Caitlin Potter : Thanks Marty!
12:04:36	 From Clarisse Hart (HFR) : It would be good to add to the REU chat agenda for that meeting what sites are doing for graduating seniors (who can't defer to next year).
12:22:46	 From Clarisse Hart (HFR) : We have that connectivity issue here in rural New England, for sure. We are holding a webinar "lightning round" PD for teachers via Zoom (some will be joining by phone!) next week, asking them each to report out to us in 2-3 mins what they're doing with their HF "field studies" and data, and how we can support them in that (or anything else STEM-y). At the end of the webinar, if we could point to other sites' resources via a slide or email, we'd be happy to do that!
12:23:45	 From Kara Haas (KBS) : Clarisse, that sounds great!  let me know how that goes.  I was considering doing a survey but perhaps a webinar would be a good way to solicit that information and 'see' people!
12:24:41	 From Steven McGee (LUQ) : Clarisse, you can share Journey to El Yunque as a resource: elyunque.net. Teachers can email me if they want help.
12:24:50	 From Clarisse Hart (HFR) : Many of them have said they are very excited to attend (they've asked us to do it at 3pm, AFTER they're done remote teaching for the day) and connect with a community of teachers who understand! 
12:24:52	 From Clarisse Hart (HFR) : Steve - will do!
12:25:28	 From Cora Johnston (VCR) : https://docs.google.com/document/d/1KT71ahGKvdOfnwG3EQSbQKjeK_yZauj1RlrdVKNPrCs/edit
12:25:38	 From Marty Downs : LTER remote learning resources are here: https://lternet.edu/k-12-education/remote-learning-resources/ keep us updated!
12:27:10	 From Annette Brickley : I think the Family DJ is a great idea and I think I'll try it for a second round "mini DJ" this spring.
12:29:48	 From Clarisse Hart (HFR) : Would it be worth offering an LTER-wide Zoom for teachers, working through a Data Nugget or two?
12:30:19	 From Caitlin Potter : Clarisse, I really like that idea! I am sure some of our CDR teachers would be interesting in participating!
12:30:51	 From Annette Brickley : I'm also going to put out encouragement for teachers to add "Science Talk" to their curriculum online, just posing a question to students and giving them time to share their ideas using claim evidence and reasoning.  See Ballenger 2003, Gallas 1995, or Roseberry and Hudicourt-Barnes 2006 for more.
12:31:01	 From Kara Haas (KBS) : Here's my families #natureathome effort, the #KBSnature challenge: http://www.kbs.msu.edu/2020/03/nature-challenge/
12:31:19	 From Amanda Morrison (ARC) : My arctic RETs might also be very interested also, Clarisse
12:32:56	 From Clarisse Hart (HFR) : If there were a range of biomes represented, it could be really cool! Maybe teachers who have tested it in the classroom could attend and co-present...
12:35:25	 From Cari Paulenich- CCE : Clarisse- I think teachers in my local district would also be interested.
12:35:47	 From Marty Downs : YES! I watched a bunch of Kara’s and their outdoor spaces are very similar to one another. Would be great to have arizona or baltimore or arctic locations to compare.
12:39:49	 From Kari O'Connell AND : We have not yet made the call about our RETs for the summer yet, but will do so soon.  
12:41:10	 From Clarisse Hart (HFR) : I'm curious: how are folks managing the revenue losses from things like field trips being canceled? Are you having to make hard staffing decisions?
12:43:35	 From Caitlin Potter : z.umn.edu/cbl_spring <— virtual “hike” at CDR, with other seasons coming shortly
12:43:36	 From Kara Haas (KBS) : in answer to Clarisse about revenue: some parts of KBS, the Bird Sanctuary, is dealing with this.  I've just started thinking if it will impact other programs.  I have committed to continue the graduate student outreach fellowships and focus their work on online teachers interactions instead of our inperson.
12:43:52	 From Steph Bestelmeyer : Clarisse - my nonprofit will be applying for paycheck protection program loan (with loan forgiveness) from SBA to try to cover revenue loss and keep all staff on board
12:43:55	 From Clarisse Hart (HFR) : Our field trip & facilities fees circle back to fund a lot of our education programs and staff. I'm pretty worried about the fall (and even late August), which is our busiest season, if group events are still being canceled/discouraged at that time.  
12:44:04	 From Annette Brickley : Revenue from Schoolyard?!  Hah!
12:44:38	 From Clarisse Hart (HFR) : Annette - ha! (Mostly from our university tours and the practitioner conferences we host in our dorms and museum)
12:44:45	 From Kari O'Connell AND : We are going to develop a bunch of data nuggets this summer. We were goin to do that anyway so that makes it easy for us.
12:46:59	 From Annette Brickley : I can't get on voice call, but as a committee, we need to report to the Science Council Meeting in early May.  If you have input as to how you would like me to represent us this year, please let me know.  I'll send an email of the same request.
12:48:11	 From Jill Haukos (KNZ) : Are the Data Nuggets folks still fully funded?
12:48:32	 From Clarisse Hart (HFR) : Annette - it would be great timing to collate the things we're collectively doing to support schools & educators during this time
12:49:00	 From Amanda Morrison (ARC) : Jill, I was also wondering the same.
12:49:08	 From Liz Duff : I thought data nuggets funding ran out except for something
12:49:15	 From Kara Haas (KBS) : Jill, in answer to DataNuggets funding, they are in the no-cost extension year of the DRK12
12:49:30	 From Kari O'Connell AND : yes!! we're interested in PD for grad students around Data Nuggets!
12:49:36	 From Jill Haukos (KNZ) : I’m not sure what the means Kara?
12:50:00	 From Kara Haas (KBS) : they are usign the minimal funding left to work part-time on Data Nuggets.  Liz is also shortly to go on maternity leave!  Yay!  She works with us now at KBS.  
12:50:21	 From Jill Haukos (KNZ) : So, are they still accepting new Nuggets?
12:50:29	 From Amanda Morrison (ARC) : In our RET supplement, the data nugget folks asked for us to include funding to have them help us develop data nuggets.
12:50:30	 From Caitlin Potter : Cora - I’m also interesting in being kept in the loop about PD for Data Nuggets
12:50:46	 From Kara Haas (KBS) : Yes, but I think their ability to process them this spring will be limited.The Data Nuggets team is planning to pursue other grant funding later this year.  
12:50:49	 From Liz Duff : I think they were asking for $1000 per nugget for their time.
12:51:08	 From Kari O'Connell AND : I can help with coordinating PD for the Data Nuggets if needed.
12:51:08	 From Cora Johnston (VCR) : That is correct
12:51:10	 From Jill Haukos (KNZ) : Okay - thanks, everyone
12:54:14	 From Clarisse Hart (HFR) : Is anything doing a lot of thinking about accessibility in their online resources (closed-captioning for videos, alt-text or rich description for images, etc.)?
12:54:55	 From Cora Johnston (VCR) : Clarisse - some discussion of that through BSCS science learning
12:54:58	 From Clarisse Hart (HFR) : Harvard has a new digital accessibility policy that went into effect on Dec. 1 and so everything we post now has to be WCAG AA compliant. That has been a good and interesting challenge but it is slowing down our ability to post online resources.
12:55:59	 From Kristen Weiss (LNO) : Clarisse - I think that hosting a learning session on this topic at some point would be really helpful for many! This is a goal for a lot of institutions but there often isn’t a lot of PD or capacity around this.
12:58:20	 From Cora Johnston (VCR) : I like that idea, Kristen/Clarisse/etc
12:58:57	 From Cora Johnston (VCR) : Before you jump off the call, please check the projects list. If you could choose one your name is associated with to follow up on, that would be ideal. Thanks! https://docs.google.com/document/d/1KT71ahGKvdOfnwG3EQSbQKjeK_yZauj1RlrdVKNPrCs/edit
12:59:04	 From Clarisse Hart (HFR) : These are fantastic, free webinars related to digital accessibility. I have been to a couple and learned a ton: https://www.3playmedia.com/resources/webinars/
13:00:37	 From Kristen Weiss (LNO) : Awesome thanks!

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