[LTER-education] Thank you!

Kerry McClay kmcclay at winterwildlands.org
Thu May 2 12:38:23 PDT 2019

Thanks so much for having me today! I wanted to pass along my contact info
and some the requested materials. Let me know if there are other requests!
Kerry McClay
kmcclay at winterwildlands.org

Here's a helpful summary of one project we did examining learning outcomes
of SnowSchool and our weather station extension project.  We published it
with the USFS Rocky Mountain Research Station in the proceedings of the
Western Snow Conference

Here's a blog post I wrote about the LTER / SnowSchool collaboration via
the snowpack dust research project

*Kerry McClay, Ed.D.*
SnowSchool Program
Winter Wildlands Alliance
www.snowschool.org <http://winterwildlands.org/what-we-do/snowschool/>

910 Main Street, Suite 235
Boise, Idaho 83702

Office: 208-336-4203
Fax: 208-336-0648

Find SnowSchool on Facebook!
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