[LTER-education] Fw: LTER ASM Interviews

Jill Haukos konzaed at ksu.edu
Fri Sep 21 07:50:34 PDT 2018

Hi folks -

Sam Norlin and Kristen Weiss will be conducting on-camera interviews at the ASM to document activities at each site.  They are seeking assistance with this endeavor, specifically they are looking for interviewers.  Would you be interesting in helping or do you know of someone who would like to help?  Let Kristen know:  weiss at nceas.ucsb.edu

Thank you!

Jill & Caitlin

Jill F. Haukos
Director of Education
Konza Prairie Biological Station
116 Ackert Hall; Division of Biology
Kansas State University
Manhattan, KS  66506
(785) 587-0381
konzaed at ksu.edu

From: Kristen Weiss <weiss at nceas.ucsb.edu>
Sent: Wednesday, September 19, 2018 5:19 PM
To: Jill Haukos
Subject: LTER ASM Interviews

Hi Jill,

Hope you are doing well! Looking forward to seeing you at ASM. In one of the Education Committee calls I believe Sam or I mentioned we will be conducting on-camera interviews with interested LTER folks to help document activities going on at each site. So far we've got 35 people signed up to interview!

Do you remember who (if anyone) was potentially interested in helping us conduct these interviews during ASM? It would be great to have a helping hand, especially for times when either Sam or I are doing interviews on our own when the other is busy.

Folks who want to help us would likely be helping ask the interview questions, while either Sam or I man the camera and audio equipment (unless someone is comfortable with those things). If you don't mind reaching out to the committee to see if there is any interest, I can follow up with some possible time slots during ASM. Of course it would also be great to have some ed/outreach folks ON camera as well.

Thanks so much!!

Kristen Weiss, PhD
Communications Coordinator, Network Communications Office
Long-Term Ecological Research Network<https://lternet.edu/>
LTER Science Update<http://us12.campaign-archive.com/?u=d7494403ed9d8c97a5479f0d4&id=9c0b9b36a4>

National Center for Ecological Analysis and Synthesis (NCEAS)
University of California, Santa Barbara
Cell: 805-843-2794
weiss at nceas.ucsb.edu<mailto:weiss at nceas.ucsb.edu>
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