[LTER-commcom] communications committee meeting. Today. Next.

DiGregorio, Lina Lina.DiGregorio at oregonstate.edu
Thu Jan 9 12:24:19 PST 2020

Dear Communications Committee Members:

Minutes from today's meeting are at https://docs.google.com/document/d/1H4eZqy7bslIBGDXf7XTSmYGhhfGw4vIdhz5vZiyh6Pw/edit

Please mark your calendars:  Our next meeting will be Thursday, March 12, 2pm EDT / 1pm CT / 12pm MT / 11am PT:  https://ucsb.zoom.us/j/647206479<https://urldefense.proofpoint.com/v2/url?u=https-3A__ucsb.zoom.us_j_647206479&d=DwMFaQ&c=WO-RGvefibhHBZq3fL85hQ&r=JIxZ-AFpuKPv2mz1PYfwckARh16Laz2TrneksBiVXcE&m=ezKDjA2KR_njCSCWBHnsGTm4fCpG75PBZo-OvAUKio0&s=I_uR_OVmmShWCUNv5Js4FbUw4mi6qGXjb3cDamd9iww&e=>

A few items that are in the works, and would benefit from your input, between now and March:

The comm comm will coordinate with the Education and Outreach committee about the possibility of co-hosting two meetings in 2020 on topics of shared interest. Specifically, on topics of best practices, that help sites build out capacity.  Please share your ideas for topics at https://docs.google.com/document/d/1O_5XvdBJqgYE9PkhhRtxpg6xZqOmIAi_c1loWwMgC9I/edit.  We will discuss ideas at the March 12 comm comm meeting.

Plans for 2020.  Sarah Garlick will pull together a document that articulates the scope and plans of the communications committee for the coming year (details in today's meeting minutes). Sarah will share the document with the committee, for feedback, via google docs, and we will discuss at the March meeting.  The goal will be to have a plan to share with science council in early May.  Stay tuned.

Ecosphere papers. Julie Doll will coordinate with Clarisse Hart on ideas for a press release campaign that can be implemented across sites. They will share ideas at the March meeting.

Best wishes,

Lina DiGregorio
Andrews Forest LTER Coordinator
Forest Ecosystems and Society | Oregon State University
201J Richardson Hall | Corvallis, OR 97331 | 541. 737.8480

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