[LTER-commcom] LTER Comm. Committee call 11/14 - 3pm ET

Hart, Clarisse hart3 at fas.harvard.edu
Tue Nov 13 20:11:28 PST 2018

Hi, LTER Communication Committee friends,

We're looking forward to talking tomorrow (Weds). Please try to make it; among other things, we'll be voting on a new co-chair to continue Julie Doll's legacy. :) Agenda and call-in info are below!


Agenda: LTER Communication Committee
Weds., Nov. 14, 2018 - 3:00pm ET / 2:00pm CT / 1:00pm MT / 12:00pm PT / 11:00am AKT
Call-in instructions below

  1.  Welcome new members Alex Rose (NWT and MCM) and Lauren Wood (VCR)
  2.  Committee co-chair voting
     *   Re-new existing co-chair (Clarisse) for 1 year?
     *   Currently have one nomination for a new co-chair: Lina DiGregorio (AND). Yippee!
  3.  Update on LTER Stories project - manuscript review (Groffman)
  4.  LTER 40-year review - update on process and whether Comm. Committee can help
     *   Are there useful comm-related impact metrics for the NCO and site 2-pagers to report on?
  5.  Community of Practice
     *   What frequency is workable/useful for people, and what format (professional development for Network members, or internal discussions for comm. site reps)?
     *   Idea: quarterly Community Forum sessions (CH)
  6.  Use of committee budget ($3k/yr)
     *   Professional development webinars - with input from site survey<https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1RAa3E4Wvs_hOddVkcy61JPhzSpWelsCaFHjXOWGoLgI/edit#gid=720700488>
     *   PD scholarship(s) for communicators in the Network (site level communicators, not scientists)
     *   Product development - policy briefs, stakeholder communications, LTER calendar, videos, LTER site trading cards, podcast series across sites, exhibit for ESA/other venues (e.g. landscape change over time)
     *   Broadening participation is a goal across the network; are the communication venues that we are considering (e.g. podcasts) are an appropriate way to reach new audiences? Could we bring someone in to talk about how to use marketing strategies/research to understand audience and best reach them?
     *   In-person meetings for committee project work
     *   Scott Simon in the EOC group has the idea of developing videos for each site (including PDs for video production training). Right now maybe a quarter of sites have a video. This is a goal for the NCO. Erika Zambello has been visiting each site to blog about it, and has collected b-roll from each site.
  7.  Pick standing date (e.g. second Thursday) for bimonthly meeting schedule moving forward

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Communication Committee meeting - LTER ASM - October 2, 2018
Attendees: Julie Doll (KBS), Clarisse Hart (HFR), Nick Oehm (FCE), Sarah Garlick (HBR), Alexandra Rose (MCM, NWT), Lauren Wood (VCR), Lina DeGregorio (AND), Kristen Weiss (NCO), Peter Groffman (HBR), Marty Downs (NCO)

  1.  A bit of history about the committee and its goals
  2.  LTER Stories project
How can this committee play a role in reviewing the manuscripts?
                Sarah Garlick, Julie Doll (will think about being guest editor) will work with Peter on a

We can aim for a companion podcast series (perhaps produced externally via a partnership with NPR).

  1.  Discuss nominations and process for electing co-chair
Julie Doll would like to step down as co-chair. We will follow up via email with details about the nomination process.

  1.  Budget plan ($6k for participant support - just not salaries)

  *   Professional development needs - with input from site survey
  *   Offer PD scholarship to communicators in the Network (site level communicators, not scientists)
  *   Product development - policy briefs, stakeholder communications, LTER calendar, videos, LTER site trading cards, podcast series across sites, exhibit for ESA/other venues (landscape change over time)
  *   Broadening participation is a goal across the network; are the communication venues that we are considering (e.g. podcasts) are an appropriate way to reach new audiences? Could we bring someone in to talk about how to use marketing strategies/research to understand audience and best reach them?
  *   In-person meetings for project work
  *   Scott Simon in the EOC group has the idea of developing videos for each site (including PDs for video production training). Right now maybe a quarter of sites have a video. This is a goal for the NCO. Erika Zambello has been visiting each site to blog about it, and has collected b-roll from each site.
Can we encourage the sites to sit together and figure out what they want to say, bridging among Comms/Scientists/IMs.

For 40-year review, what are useful impact metrics (quantitative and stories) for LTER Network and sites? Every site will be creating their 2-pagers, and the Network will create a package due in about a year. Can we use the stories generated from this process to make communications products (podcasts, etc.) - and can we use partners like Science Friday to leverage expertise/audience instead of reinventing the wheel?

  1.  Community of Practice - what is workable/useful for people; what format, PD or internal discussions
  2.  Role of this committee
     *   New initiatives for 2019
     *   Committee activities
We'll meet every other month moving forward.

Clarisse Hart
Outreach & Education Director

Harvard Forest
Harvard University
324 North Main Street
Petersham, MA 01366

(978) 756-6157 phone
(978) 724-3595 fax

On the web:

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