[LTER-commcom] LTER Communication Committee call - June 16, 1pm ET

Hart, Clarisse hart3 at fas.harvard.edu
Fri Jun 10 12:17:30 MDT 2016

Dear LTER Communication Committee,

Our next meeting is scheduled for Thursday, June 16 at 1pm ET.
The connection info is below.

Attached are the notes from the February meeting.

Here is the draft agenda (with thanks to Marty for organizing the docs). Please look over the hyperlinked documents before the meeting - and certainly send agenda additions if you have them.

1.       NCO report out (Marty Downs - 20-30 minutes):

a.       Science Council: Marty will share highlights but you can look over the full presentation at your leisure: https://drive.google.com/file/d/0B3xT0TaiQmt0OWExTExsQUMzVFU/view?usp=sharing

b.      Live polling at the SC meeting about how people use the intranet and the SC's perception of high priority audiences. Results are here: https://www.sli.do/event/gfsvm1c0/infographic/c/e5a3

c.       Mailing lists update

d.      Communications roles spreadsheet <https://docs.google.com/a/nceas.ucsb.edu/spreadsheets/d/1Cd1fcT_kZJMzuPg3WUA_O8Wzlwr9cSousrzDp4VfUM8/edit?usp=sharing>

Background - Marty is looking for a communications liaison for each site who can update the NCO on major communications-relevant initiatives. It will likely be the ed/outreach person at some sites, and the PI or other more senior personnel at other sites. The spreadsheet offers a set of roles and structures with flexibility to cover both approaches. Thoughts welcomed, now or later.

2.       ESA 2016 plans / video abstracts for conferences (Marty, Julie; 5-10 minutes)

3.       Timeline to launch potential working groups for this committee (Clarisse, 10 minutes)

a.    2017 mini-symposium

b.    promoting the activities of NCO synthesis groups

c.    case examples for a communications community of practice

Julie & Clarisse

LTER NCO is inviting you to a scheduled Zoom meeting.

Topic: Communications Committee Meeting
Time: Jun 16, 2016      1 pm ET/12 Noon CT/ 11 am MT/10:00 AM PT

Join from PC, Mac, Linux, iOS or Android: https://ucsb.zoom.us/j/362190269<https://urldefense.proofpoint.com/v2/url?u=https-3A__ucsb.zoom.us_j_362190269&d=CwMFaQ&c=WO-RGvefibhHBZq3fL85hQ&r=JIxZ-AFpuKPv2mz1PYfwckARh16Laz2TrneksBiVXcE&m=Cxt0Vm_P3YRqxQUDWatuAt_ErEUEwaavjjKEdbOUIqw&s=5Xr_U2l1iIk8zRywvy4K48Pvn2tII3jggOffFYJUCy8&e=>

Or iPhone one-tap (US Toll):  16465588656,362190269# or 14086380968,362190269#

Or Telephone:
    Dial: +1 646 558 8656 (US Toll) or +1 408 638 0968 (US Toll)
    Meeting ID: 362 190 269
    International numbers available: https://ucsb.zoom.us/zoomconference?m=IGRhyKnFiTrUjVnGTjfKTh0f7ODT_C-H<https://urldefense.proofpoint.com/v2/url?u=https-3A__ucsb.zoom.us_zoomconference-3Fm-3DIGRhyKnFiTrUjVnGTjfKTh0f7ODT-5FC-2DH&d=CwMFaQ&c=WO-RGvefibhHBZq3fL85hQ&r=JIxZ-AFpuKPv2mz1PYfwckARh16Laz2TrneksBiVXcE&m=Cxt0Vm_P3YRqxQUDWatuAt_ErEUEwaavjjKEdbOUIqw&s=aYu7xgqKrFVN5IHNL5pStr12MSNW-oQZPJbohHBrgXg&e=>

Or a H.323/SIP room system:
    H.323: (US West) or (US East)
    Meeting ID: 362 190 269

    SIP: 362190269 at zoomcrc.com<mailto:362190269 at zoomcrc.com>

Clarisse Hart | Outreach & Development Manager for Education & Research Programs
Harvard Forest | Harvard University | 324 North Main Street, Petersham MA 01366
hart3 at fas.harvard.edu<mailto:hart3 at fas.harvard.edu> | Main: 978-724-3302 | Direct: 978-756-6157

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