[LTER-commcom] LTER Comm. co-chair candidate

Marcia Nation Marcia.Nation at asu.edu
Wed Nov 4 14:48:47 MST 2015

I second Clarisse’s nomination, just in case we have non-existant by-laws that require a seconding of nominations!


Marcia L. Nation, Ph.D.
Project Manager
Central Arizona-Phoenix Long-Term Ecological Research Program caplter.asu.edu<http://caplter.asu.edu/>

P.O. Box 875402 | Tempe, Arizona | 85287-5402
PH: 480-965-7951   |   Main: 480-965-2975

From: commcom <commcom-bounces at lists.lternet.edu<mailto:commcom-bounces at lists.lternet.edu>> on behalf of Clarisse Hart <hart3 at fas.harvard.edu<mailto:hart3 at fas.harvard.edu>>
Date: Wednesday, November 4, 2015 at 1:40 PM
To: commcom <commcom at lternet.edu<mailto:commcom at lternet.edu>>
Cc: Carol Blanchette <carol.blanchette at lifesci.ucsb.edu<mailto:carol.blanchette at lifesci.ucsb.edu>>
Subject: [LTER-commcom] LTER Comm. co-chair candidate

Hi team,

I’m (obviously) interested in running for co-chair, so here’s my paragraph:

For the last 6 years, I’ve served as Outreach & Education Manager for the Harvard Forest, coordinating outreach to the media, decision-makers, forestry & conservation professionals, funding agencies, and many others via press outreach, websites, print publications, site visits, and social media. In addition to my science background, I have a master’s degree in nonfiction writing and am an active freelance writer/journalist.  I co-lead the new Science Communication Section for ESA, and regularly lead communication workshops for scientists and students (including LTER comm. site reps and ESA members). In recent years, I’ve been very active in the LTER Network, co-chairing working groups on Higher Education, Art, and Diversity – but communication is my passion. I’m very interested in working with this talented group and the new NCO to create a strong and strategic voice for LTER.

Clarisse Hart | Outreach & Development Manager for Education & Research Programs
Harvard Forest | Harvard University | 324 North Main Street, Petersham MA 01366
hart3 at fas.harvard.edu<mailto:hart3 at fas.harvard.edu> | Main: 978-724-3302 | Direct: 978-756-6157

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