[LTER-asm2015committee] Agenda for ASM Program Committee Meeting - Tuesday July 14 10:00MDT

John Vande Castle jvc at LTERnet.edu
Fri Jul 10 12:21:53 MDT 2015

Here is are issues we need to discuss during our call NEXT TUESDAY at 
10:00AM MDT (Your time zone may vary).

A few committees will have to be "activated".  Primarily the "Working 
Group" subcommittee - to look at all the requests and see if any similar 
ones are in the same session, seem duplicate or whatever.  In addition, 
VERY FEW are scheduled on Wednesday, so after everything comes in, we 
need to suggest some people move out of heavily scheduled sessions to 
WEDNESDAY.  We also need to decide how to handle requests that might 
come in after the deadline (there always are).
Members here are:
1.John Vande Castle
2. Walter Dodds
3.  Kate Lajtha
4. John Kominoski
5.Art Schwarzschild

The "Poster Committee" should look at the posters for anything out of 
place - so far we only have 60 posters, but that will change in the next 
2 weeks, with a deadline...  We will probably accept late posters, 
because again, there always are.  Do we need to include a printout of 
poster titles with the registration materials  )we will be including an 
agenda and working group schedule.  One thing we will be enforcing is 
the need to SUBMIT AN ABSTRACT in order to display a poster (we always 
get odd requests for displays etc, that will get bounced to the poster 
committee and/or Bob.  So far I think we have NEON, CZO and a book 
display that want to be out in the foyer.  We will be requesting names 
of people who agreed to be judges (on the registration forms) and I will 
put together a pack of posters and score sheets for each of these.  
Grizelle and I will compile these before the "award ceremony" and make 
sure the awardees are 1) Present at the meeting and 2) are actually students
Members here:
1.Grizelle Gonzalez
2.Rick Stepp
3.Theresa Valentine
4.Clarisse Hart
5. John Vande Castle

We NEED to come up with a plan for the "closing evening".

At one point we discussed having a band.  However, from discussions and 
emails, the one that could be there just didn't seem to fit with 
anything - it was just sort of a "listening" band.  The other bands 
suggested were either too expensive ($4-5k) or "no longer playing.

So here are alternatives that have been kicked around.  We could do any 
or all or anything new, but need to decide so we can organized things 
with the YMCA and announce plans well in advance for folks to "prepare".

0.  "Award Ceremony"  - We need some time to present the award for the 
best "Site-byte" presentation and the student poster competition and any 
other things.

1.   "Open Mic"  - This could range from skits, sing-alongs, as well as 
a jam session for those able to bring instruments.

2. Ask students to "DJ" music - this could happen after (1.)  1 and 2 
could be concurrent with 3 and 4...

3.  Vollyball - this could be site grudge matches etc, perhaps a trophy 
for the winner -would need rules -perhaps 6/team 1/3 female or male...?  
Sign-up sheets in Poster hall foyer during meeting?

4.  Other games - basketball  - free throw competitions etc?
                             - Shuffleboard?
                             - Beanbag toss/horseshoes?

After our discussions, a "2 week reminder" message will go out to 
all-lter to include final plans for the meeting, including the closing 
night activities, deadlines for housing, posters and working groups, 
note of the "daily use fee" for those not paying for housing at the Y, 
etc, etc.

ANYTHING ELSE ??? So, if you have anything else to bring up, or will not 
be able to join in the call, simply do a "reply" to this message and it 
will go to the committee.


Please feel

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