[LTER-All-lter] News from the NCO - Summer 2017

Marty Downs downs at nceas.ucsb.edu
Mon Jul 17 10:31:53 PDT 2017

[image: Santa Barbara shoreline and wharf header]

July 15, 2017
Governance Update

The LTER Science Council and Executive Board met at Hubbard Brook, May
16-19, where they welcomed representatives of three new LTER sites
<https://lternet.edu/node/84416>, discussed some great science, and made a
few key decisions:

   - LTER bylaws
   been revised to refer to the Network Communications Office (NCO)
   <https://nco.lternet.edu/>, rather than the LTER Network Office (LNO)
   and to clarify the relationships among the LTER Executive Board, the
   Science Council, the Network Communications Office, and the Environmental
   Data Initiative (EDI) <https://environmentaldatainitiative.org/>.
   - The Director of the LTER Network Communications Office will hold a
   voting seat on the LTER Executive Board and the Director of the
   Environmental Data Initiative will hold an *ex officio* seat on the LTER
   Executive Board. The Information Management and Education and Outreach
   Committees will continue to hold non-voting seats on the LTER Executive
   Board and the LTER Science Council.
   - The Science Council approved a recommendation by the Executive Board
   to update the LTER data access policy
   reflect the movement towards open and unrestricted access to data. When no
   specific access policy is specified for a data set, the LTER data portal
   will now default to  a Creative Commons license requiring attribution (CC
   BY 4.0 <https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/4.0/>).
   - We appreciate the service of  Anne Giblin (PIE), Gary Lovett (HBR),
   and Sherrie Johnson (AND), who rotated off the Executive Board, and welcome
   new (and returning) EB members: Katherine Suding (NWT), David Foster (HFR),
   and Jess Zimmerman (LUQ).
   - The LTER Information Management Committee is meeting before the Earth
   Science Information Partners (ESIP)
   Meeting in Bloomington, Indiana, July 24.

Synthesis Activities

In addition to the five synthesis working groups
underway, the LTER Science Council is working on products emerging from the
2017 and 2018 Science Council meetings.

   - Peter Groffman is pulling together a set of papers from each site on
   LTER Futures for a special issue of *Ecosphere.*
   - A team led by Evelyn Gaiser is organizing a manuscript that will
   elaborate a framework for understanding humans as an integral part of

LTER at the Ecological Society of America (ESA) Meeting

A listing of talks and posters being presented at ESA will be available
shortly. Meanwhile please plan on joining us for:

   - Science Stories <http://portland-esa-mixer.weebly.com/>, the Wednesday
   evening mixer at McMenamins Mission Theater, cosponsored by LTER
   <https://lternet.edu/>, NCEAS, <https://www.nceas.ucsb.edu/> and SNAPP

The NCO is organizing three workshops at ESA, and will be promoting REU
opportunities at the Diversity Luncheon, but will not have a booth this
year. Workshops:

   - Video in a Hurry (and on a Shoestring)
   <https://eco.confex.com/eco/2017/webprogram/Session13182.html>, Sunday,
   August 6, 12-5 p.m.
   - Phenomenal Ecology in the Classroom: Turning Phenomena into Something
   Phenomenal for K-12 Learning,
   August 8, 2017: 11:30 AM-1:15 p.m.
   - Data Nuggets and Data Jams: Strategies to Increase Your Broader
   Impacts and Student Quantitative Reasoning,
   August 10, 2017: 11:30 AM-1:15 p.m.

Communications Trainings

Curriculum materials from the NCO’s  8-week online, interactive course in
science communications are now available online at  Telling the Right
Story, for the Right People, at the Right Time
Save the Dates

   - The 2018 Science Council/Executive Board Meeting will be hosted by the
   Northern Temperate Lakes LTER. Madison, here we come!
      - May 15: Executive Board
      - May 16 & 17: Science Council
      - May 18 (a.m.): PI Meeting
   - Tentative dates for the 2018 All-Scientists Meeting are September
   9-13th, 2018 at Asilomar Conference Grounds
   - Can’t keep track of key LTER dates? The NCO maintains a calendar
   <https://nco.lternet.edu/nco-calendar/> with key committee and
   Network-wide meetings.

NCO Personnel Update

After 22 years of dedication to improving the availability and usability of
environmental data, Mark Schildhauer is retiring
<https://www.nceas.ucsb.edu/news/Mark-Schildhauer-retires> from the the
day-to-day management of NCEAS computing, but he’ll continue to apply his
talents to a variety of special projects.
Open Positions

   - The Rassweiler and Lester Labs at Florida State University are seeking
    a research technician
<https://lternet.edu/research-technician-fsu-2017> with
   strong quantitative skills to work on measuring marine biodiversity as part
   of a multi-institution Marine Biodiversity Observing Network
   <http://sbc.marinebon.org/about/> project.

To learn about LTER Network-related job openings as they arise, email
downs at nceas.ucsb requesting to join opportunities at lternet.edu or visit
our opportunities
page <https://lternet.edu/opportunities>.
Conferences and Special Issues

Abstracts for the Fall 2018 American Geophysical Union (AGU) Meeting
<https://fallmeeting.agu.org/2017/abstract-submissions/> are due August 2
(July 26 for early submission). Please include LTER or Long-Term Ecological
Research in your abstract to help us find and promote your talk.

Also, consider submitting an abstract to Public Affairs session 013: How
Does Your Geoscience Research Matter and Can You Explain How it Matters to
the Public?

*LTER Science update
issued monthly, provides brief, accessible summaries of recent science from
across the Network. It is designed to inform partners, educators, and the
broader ecological community as well as LTER Network scientists. Please
share and encourage your colleagues to subscribe.*

*News from the NCO <https://nco.lternet.edu/news-from-the-nco/>, issued
quarterly, provides regular organizational updates to LTER-associated

>From related organizations:

   - *The Environmental Data Initiative
   a bi-monthly newsletter for those who are interested in data sharing and
   - *Critical Zone Observatory Network
   an occasional newsletter with news on Network research, education, and
   meeting activities.*
   - *The International LTER Network <https://www.ilternet.edu/> maintains
   an email list and a twitter presence <https://twitter.com/ILTER_network>.*

Marty Downs
Deputy Director/Communications
LTER Network Communications Office (LTER NCO) <https://nco.lternet.edu/>
LTER Science Update

National Center for Ecological Analysis and Synthesis (NCEAS)
University of California, Santa Barbara
Office: 805-893-7549
Cell: 617-833-7930
downs at nceas.ucsb.edu
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