[LTER-All-lter] QUICK SURVEY - LTER Logo Preferences - DUE BY July 18

Marty Downs downs at nceas.ucsb.edu
Sun Jul 16 11:18:22 PDT 2017

Dear LTER Community--

As the LTER Network moves forward with a new web site and an invigorated
public presence, a new logo can offer a stronger sense of the Network's
purpose and scientific mission. It also offers a chance to freshen our
image in the minds of some of our major stakeholders and will form the
basis for the design aesthetic of the new LTER Network web site.

Working with a professional design team, the Network Communications Office
has developed a variety of options for the LTER Executive Board to
consider. In line with the grassroots nature of the LTER Network, we are
seeking community input for the EB to incorporate into their decision

Please register your preferences and offer input here:

The survey asks for a first, second, and third choice, and offers space for
additional feedback at the end of the survey.

Please try to focus on the *image itself* when ranking choices. Designers
are trying out a variety of fonts and text arrangements and there will
continue to be some additional adjustments. If you have input on elements
other than the main image, please add those observations in the feedback at
the end.

Logos are intended to give a sense of an organization, not to be
specifically representational. We have asked the designers to incorporate a
sense of environment, scientific research, and continuity into the future.
In some cases, they have taken a completely fresh approach to those ideas,
in others, they've attempted to maintain a stronger connection to the
historical logo.

The NCO and the Executive Board sincerely appreciate your interest and


Marty Downs
Deputy Director/Communications
LTER Network Communications Office (LTER NCO) <https://nco.lternet.edu/>
LTER Science Update

National Center for Ecological Analysis and Synthesis (NCEAS)
University of California, Santa Barbara
Office: 805-893-7549
Cell: 617-833-7930
downs at nceas.ucsb.edu
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