[LTER-students] AGU session alerts and ESA talks/posters/sessions

Marty Downs downs at nceas.ucsb.edu
Thu Jul 11 16:41:29 PDT 2019

Dear LTER investigators and students,

*AGU Meeting (December 9-13, 2019)*
I've received a number of emails alerting LTER folks to relevant sessions
at the December American Geophysical Union Meeting (and the upcoming *July
31 deadline* for presentations). This is a fine use of the lists, but I'd
prefer not to barrage people with multiple emails.

If you are organizing a *session* that you think is of particular interest
to your LTER colleagues, please send me an email by 5 PM PT on Monday, July
15. I'll pull together a single email and send it back out to the list.

*ESA Meeting (August 11-16, 2019)*
At the same time, we are putting together a list of talks being presented
at the Ecological Society of America Meeting next month.

I am sure there are more than the 10 presentations that show up on search,
so *please submit a link*
for your talk, poster, or organized session via this *web form*

The *program for the meeting*
<https://eco.confex.com/eco/2019/meetingapp.cgi> is available on the
meeting web site.

Marty Downs (she/her/hers)
Deputy Director, LTER Network Communications Office


National Center for Ecological Analysis and Synthesis (NCEAS)
University of California, Santa Barbara
Office: 805-893-7549
Cell: 617-833-7930
downs at nceas.ucsb.edu
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