[LTER-students] Grad student resources + Ross is stepping down

Siddharth Iyengar iyeng029 at umn.edu
Thu Feb 4 21:03:50 MST 2016

Hello LTER Grad students!
I guess many of you have seen the call for synthesis working group
proposals that came out two weeks ago. Kimberly LaPierre and Sally Koerner
(former LTER grads) wrote a really handy guide to organising working groups
and symposia, which will make good reading right now. It is attached to
this email.

Further, our fearless leader Ross Boucek will soon be finishing his PhD,
and so is stepping down as co-chair of the LTER graduate student body.
Congratulations Ross (in advance), and thank you for all the amazing work
you have done in the past years, especially for planning the 2015 ASM!!
Alix Conway (of ARC) and myself (of CDR) will be taking on the work of
coordinating between the network and graduate students. Please feel free to
contact us with any queries that you have, or news you'd like to spread
among the LTER network. We'll in turn keep you updated with all the
exciting things that are happening.

The call for working groups is encouraging early career researchers, so
reach out to other site graduate students if you are looking for
collaborators! We've got a lot of brilliant people around!

All the best!

Your grad co-chairs
Alix Conway (alix.conway at usask.ca)
Siddharth Iyengar (iyeng029 at umn.edu)

---------- Forwarded message ----------
From: Frank Davis <frank.davis at nceas.ucsb.edu>
Date: Fri, Jan 22, 2016 at 8:00 PM
Subject: [LTER-All-lter] Call for LTER Synthesis Working Group Proposals
To: All-lter at lists.lternet.edu

Dear Colleagues,

I am pleased to announce the first call for proposals for Synthesis Working
Groups <http://www.lternet.edu/CallForProposals> under the LTER Network
Communications Office (NCO). We are excited about the opportunity to
involve a broad cross-section of LTER and non-LTER researchers and
encourage you to circulate this announcement broadly.

For complete information, please visit the LTER Call for Proposals
<http://www.lternet.edu/CallForProposals> page. A pdf of proposal
guidelines is also attached. The submission deadline is the end of the
day *Wednesday,
March 23, 2016*, with research to begin before October 2016. Funding is
available for 2-4 projects of up to 2 years in duration.

The Project Selection Committee is most interested in proposals anticipated
to return high impact results in the five core LTER thematic areas —
primary production, population studies, organic matter dynamics, mineral
cycling, disturbance patterns and processes — but proposals in other areas
will also be considered.

Working Group proposals must include the analysis and synthesis of LTER
data from two or more sites, and may include data from other sources as
well. The call is open to all researchers who are interested in
collaborating across the network, but Working Group members should include
one or more LTER researchers who are familiar with the LTER sites and the
data that will be used in the analysis.

We are looking forward to this next step in the network's development and
an exciting set of proposals.

With Best Regards,
Frank Davis


Frank W. Davis
Director, LTER Network Communications Office
Director, National Center for Ecological Analysis and Synthesis
University of California, Santa Barbara
735 State St., Suite 300
Santa Barbara, CA 93101-3351, USAhttp://www.nceas.ucsb.edu
Tel (805) 893-7527
Fax (805) 893-7451

Long Term Ecological Research Network
All-lter mailing list
All-lter at lists.lternet.edu

Siddharth Bharath Iyengar,
Graduate Student, Ecology, Evolution and Behaviour,
Fellow, Interdisciplinary Center for the Study of Global Change,
University of Minnesota, Twin Cities
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