[LTER-sbc_investigators] press releases and attibution to NSF for SBC LTER research

reed dan.reed at lifesci.ucsb.edu
Wed Jun 28 16:54:00 PDT 2017

Dear colleagues,

I am writing to remind you of the importance of working closely with 
both the campus public affairs (for UCSB its Julie Cohen, 
julie.cohen at ucsb.edu ) and NSF's science communication officer for 
environmental research (Cheryl Dybas cdybas at nsf.gov) when preparing news 
releases on your NSF funded SBC LTER research.  NSF is very interested 
in promoting the science that they fund and to do this they need our 
help and cooperation. To this end, it is really important that we*inform 
NSF of our results as they happen *(i.e., promoting tomorrow's news is 
much more important to them than promoting yesterday's news)*and that we 
give proper attribution to NSF in our **publications and news releases. *

Below are some guidelines for preparing news releases that NSF has asked 
us to follow.

1) If you have forthcoming journal papers or are giving presentations at 
conferences, it would be helpful for NSF to hear about them as much in 
advance as possible.
2) For journal papers, if you could let NSF know when they’re at the 
accepted stage, that would be much appreciated.  Otherwise, with the 
speed of online publishing these days, it’s often too late and the 
embargo has lifted or is about to.
3) When you hear of an acceptance, contact your university news office, 
as well, so that they can coordinate their news efforts with NSF.

Many thanks for you cooperation in accomondating NSF's request. Their 
support is critical to the continuation of our research program. It is 
to our great advantage that we go the extra mile to show our 
appreciation for their support by working with them to ensure that their 
needs are met.



Dan Reed
Marine Science Institute
University of California
Santa Barbara, CA 93106 USA
phone: 805-893-8363

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