[LTER-sbc_help] News from The Hubbard Brook Research Foundation

Hubbard Brook Research Foundation sciencelinks at hubbardbrookfoundation.org
Tue Mar 9 07:06:13 PST 2021

 ‌ ‌ March 2021 Promoting the understanding and stewardship of forest ecosystems through scientific research and monitoring, policy outreach, and education "The youth of the world will save us." —Shalanda Baker, U.S. Department of Energy, Deputy Director for Energy Justice & the Secretary's Advisor on Equity March 8, 2021 Youth Climate and Clean Energy Forum When it comes to the climate crisis, we must battle it together. But the future belongs to young people, and they will inherit the consequences of our environmental decision-making. At HBRF, we are working to empower young scientists to engage with decision-makers and to share their knowledge, concerns, and hopes for the future. Over the past year, through our Young Voices of Science initiative and youth climate and clean energy events, we have provided communication tools, outreach techniques, and public platforms for environmental students from high schools, colleges, and universities across and beyond our region. This is emerging as one of the most uplifting and important components of our mission. Yesterday, our 2021 Youth Climate and Clean Energy Forum was a vivid example of civic engagement for informed environmental policy and practice, with brilliant, brave young scholars out front. What a privilege to watch these young people blazing trails to a brighter future and to help clear their way! Sincerely, Anthea Lavallee HBRF Executive Director Outreach Highlight: 2021 Youth Climate and Clean Energy Forum On Monday, March 8, HBRF was honored to co-host this virtual event, designed to bring climate and clean energy students into conversation with members of the Biden administration, U.S. Congress, corporate sustainability leaders, and environmental justice champions. The event included 21 student panelists from 12 high schools, colleges, and universities across the eastern United States. Catalina Mejia and Tyler Edwards were among four student panelists who recently completed HBRF's Young Voices of Science communications training program. The event provided a high-profile, high-impact opportunity to showcase their public outreach chops while raising awareness of emerging climate, clean energy, and environmental justice plans. "The grass and trees did seem to welcome us." In her question for members of the Biden administration, Catalina Mejia described how local parks were a refuge when she and her parents, who emigrated from Mexico, felt out of place at home in the U.S. "My phone will buzz with a flash flood warning once every couple of weeks." In her question for Deputy Director Shalanda Baker, Tyler Edwards described what hurricane season is like for her and her family in North Carolina. Clockwise from top left: Tiernan Sittenfeld, League of Conservation Voters, Senior Vice President of Government Affairs; Tyler Edwards, undergraduate student, Duke University; Hannah Bristol, White House Office of Public Engagement, Associate Director; Shalanda Baker, U.S. Department of Energy, Deputy Director for Energy Justice & the Secretary's Advisor on Equity From left: Rob Werner, League of Conservation Voters, New Hampshire State Director; Maggie Hassan, U.S. Senator, NH; Catherine Bregou, Hanover High School, NH We are grateful to our event co-hosts, the League of Conservation Voters, the Revers Energy Center at the Tuck School of Business at Dartmouth, ReVision Energy, Sustainable Futures Consulting, and Stonyfield Organic. READ MORE Hubbard Brook Researchers in the News  Pandemic Sparks Innovation At N.H.’s Influential Hubbard Brook Experimental Forest NHPR The Science and Power Behind Ice Storms New Haven Register To understand the plight of insects, entomologists look to the past PNAS News  With Global Challenges in Mind, Keeping a Decades-long Success Story at the Forefront UConn Today Warmer winters take social, economic, environmental toll Winnipeg Free Press Artwork from the Field (Click to Enlarge) Last summer, artist Rebecca Schultz joined USDA Forest Service lead scientist Scott Bailey and UVM graduate student Jenny Bower in the field to learn about their research on the relationships between the hydrology, pedology (soil science), and geology of the forest. Rebecca says: "This series represents a lot of firsts for me—it's the first time I've made work based on scientific research, the first exploration of integrating different types of visual data (maps and thin sections), and the first body of work made with oil paint since my time in art school decades ago. It was an exciting challenge to base my palette on interference colors—and to see how different the images made from schist and granodiorite look. I'm very grateful to Scott Bailey and Jenny Bower for the opportunity to learn more about their research at Hubbard Brook." Above: Granodiorite One Right: Rangeley Schist Three The series is on display at the Abington Art Center, in Abington, PA, through March 13th. An exhibition is also planned for July 2021 at the Patricia Ladd Carega Gallery in Sandwich, NH. Dates and more details will be available at: www.rebeccaschultzprojects.com Images courtesy of Rebecca Schultz Successful Campaign: Pleasant View Solar The solar array at Pleasant View Farm. Photo: Andrew Wilson The Hubbard Brook Research Foundation officially purchased the solar array at Pleasant View Farm—originally installed five years ago—on January 5, 2021! The total cost of the array was $50,734. HBRF contributed $34,934 out of our operating fund toward the purchase, and we set a fundraising goal of an additional $15,000. A total of 53 donors raised $15,800—exceeding our goal. This is an important step away from fossil fuels for Hubbard Brook facilities and will reduce HBRF's monthly utility expense by hundreds of dollars. A huge thank you to all who donated and spread the word, including many generations of Pleasant View Farm alums! Celebrating Women in Science To celebrate the International Day of Women and Girls in Science on February 11, we asked some of our Young Voices of Science participants: "Who is your science superhero?" This is what they said: Elizabeth Jamison Graduate student, University of Vermont I am inspired by Dr. Robin Wall Kimmerer. Her holistic approach to knowledge and learning offers a hopeful, engaging, and inclusive path forward for the scientific community. I am very grateful for all of the women who have worked (and are working!) to break barriers for women in science. I feel the most proud to be a woman in science when I am supporting other women in science. Say Sanchez Undergraduate student, Hunter College My science superhero would hands-down have to be Jane Goodall. She's been a trailblazer for women in conservation and science and was a role model for me growing up. She came from a non-traditional background and proved that you don’t have to know absolutely everything in order to make a difference. I am also inspired by female ecologists like Wangari Maathai, who many BIPOC like myself look up to for her work, activism, and representation. As I continue to move forward in the field, I hope to similarly serve as representation for other women of color wanting to be scientists as well. Lisi Lohre Graduate student, University of Vermont I realized how fortunate I have been to have many incredible women role models in my personal science journey and it is those women that I truly look up to as superheroes and role models... ...I have been fortunate to be surrounded by so many intelligent, driven, and compassionate women scientists during my time as a graduate student at UVM. Their passion for shaping a more just and equitable environmental community along with intense curiosity and dedication to all elements of graduate school, not just academic, has inspired me to demand more from myself as well. Young Voices of Science illustrations by Cydney Livingston In Case You Missed It: An Interview with Gene Likens You may already know that Dr. Gene E. Likens co-founded the Hubbard Brook Ecosystem Study, was a member of the research team that discovered acid rain, founded the Cary Institute of Ecosystem Studies, and has had an extraordinary, distinguished career as an ecologist and limnologist. But did you know that Dr. Likens paid his way through college by raising a herd of Scotch shorthorn cattle, played in baseball's Rookie Leagues and strongly considered going pro, and first met Hubbard Brook co-founder Noye Johnson at a football game? Dr. Likens sat down with HBRF's Clara Chaisson in January 2020 for a conversation about his life and career, during which he details all of the above and more. We released the interview and corresponding transcripts in three parts during February 2021. READ/LISTEN Upcoming Events - TONIGHT March 9, 6pm — Virtual Science Pub: Lichens, Mosses, and Liverworts Join Hubbard Brook's vegetation team leader Natalie Cleavitt for a Virtual Science Pub hosted by the Squam Lakes Association, the Squam Lakes Conservation Society, and the Squam Lakes Natural Science Center. The discussion will focus on Lichens, Mosses, and Liverworts, taking a closer look at these unique organisms that decorate tree trunks and branches but seldom garner our attention. Register (for free) at the following link: https://us02web.zoom.us/meeting/register/tZMpdO6qqzorGtCRgxlAt2cxo1vzIYatK8Zg March 9, 7pm — NH Chronicle An updated version of the NH Chronicle episode featuring Hubbard Brook, which originally aired in January 2019, will re-air tonight at 7pm on WMUR. https://www.wmur.com/article/tuesday-march-9th-seals-the-sentinels-of-the-sea/35726792 As always, thanks for your interest in Hubbard Brook. Please feel free to contact us with any questions, ideas, or suggestions, and help us to spread the word by forwarding this email to a friend. JOIN OUR MAILING LIST VISIT OUR WEBSITE MAKE A DONATION Corporate Sponsors Chester Forest Products Chroma Technology Corp. Durgin & Crowell  Lumber Co., Inc. FORECO LLC King Forest Industries Law Offices of Joyce E. Scott Loveland Forestry The Lyme Timber Company New England Forest Products Northland Forest Products Schiffman, Dattilio & Commpany, P.C. HBRF Trustees Charles Driscoll, Chair, Syracuse University Stan Williams, Vice Chair John Smitka, Secretary   Michael Shoob, Treasurer   Deecie Denison Peter Groffman Cary Institute of Ecosystem Studies, CUNY Advanced Science Research Center, Brooklyn College Dorothy B. Heinrichs Dartmouth-Hitchcock Ali Jackson Sciencenter Roger Larochelle Squam Lakes Conservation Society Gene E. Likens Cary Institute of Ecosystem Studies Peter Martin Nicholas Rodenhouse Wellesley College Anant Sundaram Tuck School of Business at Dartmouth College  Pamela Templer Boston University  Harriet Van Vleck Lindsey Rustad U.S. Forest Service Anthea Lavallee HBRF Executive Director The Hubbard Brook Research Foundation is a nonprofit organization dedicated to supporting the Hubbard Brook Ecosystem Study. Hubbard Brook Research Foundation | 30 Pleasant St., Woodstock, VT 05091 Unsubscribe sbc_help at lternet.edu Update Profile | Customer Contact Data Notice Sent by sciencelinks at hubbardbrookfoundation.org powered by Try email marketing for free today!
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